1. Who is the last person you held hands with?
2. Name four places you've worked?
Brisket, Sobeys, Indigo, Home teaching violin
3. Do you sleep with the TV on?
No. I CAN'T. I HAVE to open my eyes a crack and see what's going on. I used to sleep with the radio on, though.
4. Have you ever drank milk straight out of the carton?
5. What did you do today?
Woke up. Chillaxed with dan. Worked on drawing assignment(s) while he slept. Ate breakfast at 1:00. Worked at le bookstore until recently. At cake while at work.
6. Do you think you're old?
Older than I used to be. But no, not very old, considering how old I plan on living.
7. How fast can you type?
REALLY fast.
8. Are you afraid of the dark?
Yes ma'am I am.
9. Eye color?
Poop brown.
11. When's the last time you chose a bath over a shower?
Uh.... a couple weeks, or months ago or something. I don't really remember.
12. Do you knock on wood?
13. Are you drinking anything right now?
14. Do you have good vision?
Good enough for me!
15. Can you hula hoop?
Like a pro.
16. Could you ever forgive a cheater?
Probably not.
17. What do you want for Christmas?
A unicorn.
18. Name a movie you could watch over and over:
.........I don't know. Probably none.
19. What did you dream last night?
That my baby snakey Jasper died!!
20. What are you thinking of now?
Jasper. Don't worry guys. He's fine.
21. A movie you watched when you were little?
23. Do you consider yourself successful?
24. What song's in your head right now?
25. What are you doing next week?
Working. Going to school. Working. School.
26. Plans for today?
Today is pretty much over. Plans for tomorrow? Working and then PUTTING UP THE CHRISTMAS TREE!
27. What's your middle name and why?
Marie. I don't really know why. My mom and my grandmother both have the middle name Marie as well. Also, three quarters of the female population of the world have the middle name Marie. Maybe someof the guys.
28. Name someplace you've went on vacation?
Florida. Nova Scotia. I'm serious. WAY before I lived here or had any idea I was ever going to.
29. When was the last time you told someone 'I love you'?
About 20 minutes ago.
30. Last stupid thing you did drunk?
Fell through a hole in a deck.
31. How are you feeling today?
Accomplished. Content.
32. Are you black?
33. Have you ever been suspended or expelled from school?
35. Have you ever crawled through a window?
Once I crawled though that hole in Megan's kitchen, which COULD be called a window.
36. What's for lunch?
37. Have you ever eaten dog food?
No sir.
38. Can you handle the truth?
39. What did you do last night?
Drawing homework. Picked up Dan from work.
40. Buy anything lately?
uh.. nothing significant. Food, mostly I think.
41. Any cool scars?
I have one in the MIDDLE OF MY FORHEAD. Whichis NOT cool. atall. from the chicken pox. I kid you not.
42. Name an old school song you like?
SPICE GIRLS. Not really. I'm obligated to like them in Megan's company.
43. How many kids do you plan on having?
between 1 and 4.
44. What do you do when no one is watching?
Get naked.
45. How often do you talk on the phone?
Every night.
46. Do you talk to yourself?
47. Is there something you want that you can't have?
Yes. I can have it. Justnot yet.
48. Three things about the opposite sex that you first notice?
Height, hair.
50. Who did you last hug?
53. What was the last thing you ate?
Some bits and bites.
54. Last movie watched?
Part of "Mirror Mask" with Dan last night. HOLY SHIT INTENSELY WEIRD.
55. What do you want to hear?
umm.. the sounds of A+++ an all my exams. That is all two. Pleas.e
56. What do you want most?
For people to be less selfish and less ignorant and to realize, or at least think about the long term consequences of their actions, and to talk less sometimes. Also, a unicorn.
57. Would you ever date anyone on your friends list?
I'm pretty good now. Though my significant other IS on my friends list, so I guess I would. By significant other I mean Dan, obviously.
58. What do you fear?
Drowning and trains and the people I love dying.
59. If you could be anywhere else right now, where would it be?