SO I finally got the pictures today :D It's 4 days late, but oh well! Hopefully I still remember.. here goes:
In the morning, I wake up around 9-10 ish, take a shower, and drive over to Isabel's house. Apparently Shandra was there since 8 o'clock doing who knows what. Shandra (our personal makeup artist :D) does our makeup and our hair. After all that, the both of them give me my present! Which is beautiful, and no, I'm not kidding! Here's a pic (again):
front of the present
the back :)
I love Isabel and Shandra's little trademark in the bottom right corner.
We then drove back to my house to get some random things (leggings because it was going to be cold, hairspray, lotion, etc) Took a couple more pics...
isabel + me + shandra
isabel + shandra
my mom and me
We then picked up Jen Chin and headed off for Berkeley! Shandra swore that if I didn't use Google directions (and used Yahoo! directions), she would kill herself, so we used Google directions. Took us about 30-35 minutes to drive there, for Shandra is a fast driver and speeds, but it's all good :) If it were me, I'd be driving at the speed limit ._.
BUT ANYWAY, once we got there, we were on our way to Cheeseboard (a REALLY good pizza place) when we find out that they're not open on sundays! What bad luck :( But then Dan, my friend who lives near Berkeley, suggested Zachary's Pizza. So then we veer off to go there.
omg, some parts of Berkely are HELLA ghetto. The places were run-down, there were no cops, and the people there just scared the shit out of us. Good thing we got out of there soon, and we got to the more pleasant sides of Berkeley (near the campus), on Shattuck Ave, Telegraph Ave, University Ave, etc. It took us a long time to get there, unfortunately. Like 20 minutes, because the traffic in Berkeley just plain sucks. Green arrows do not exist on the streets of Berkeley, at least not to my knowledge, and it takes forever to turn left on a busy street. Now add that to driving in the opposite direction. hahha, but thanks to Dan and his great driving directions, we get to Zachary's Pizza eventually :)
Jen and I at the pizza place :)
Isabel and Shandra :*
We had a British Waiter. I think his name was Donol? But he had this great accent and kept calling us "mates". hahah, I thought "mate" was an Australian thing. We ordered a stuffed chicken pizza and it was really interesting-looking. Too bad I didn't get a picture of it, but basically, the tomato sauce was on top instead of underneath the cheese. And oh yeah, the pizza weighed like 10 pounds. So it only took one slice to fill us up ;)
We had our waiter take this for us :) (taken from Isabel's lj)
Isabel + Jen
Shandra Shananay Xiang Xiang Gay Ger
(from isabel's lj)
hehehheh, me and Isabel showing how to drink starbucks coffee 8) We stick our pinkies out :D
After pizza, we leave to find Telegraph Avenue because there's a market there on weekends. I think this trip to Telegraph Avenue should be called an "adventure". I'm sure we ended up driving at least an hour because of the darn traffic and the darn map I didn't have. We made a couple illegal turns and ran a couple red lights, but it's ok : ) Ended up going too far and then circling back. And then circling around Telegraph Avenue looking for a parking space. We ended up parking in a garage.
I have to say, we totally did not fit in. All of us were super dressed up compared to the normal people walking around. We stood out, especially me in my red dress. It was a little awkward because we kept getting hit on. ew. We looked at the random shops and
here's the fun part.
hahha, I saw Isabel, Shandra, and Jen walk into a Halloween costume shop, and I have this look like
but it was the funnest thing EVER. everyone should try it at least once :D
me + shandra + isabel!
shandra SURE is a sexy pirate :*
and isabel's hat fits her perfectly. Jen couldn't fit the entire hat into the pic -_-
Jen and me trying on some more hats :D
"and then we became French maids!"
LMAO, I have to say this costume was the best one out of all the ones we saw.
HAHHA, LOOK AT THE BUTTCRACK! And check out the little bowtie to tie together the fat suit!
Shandra posing with Isabel
("LOL i love shandra's expression. she looks like she's gonna eat me :(")
I love Isabel ;D
We tried turning Jen into a goth, evil witch, but she still looks like a little princess -_-
Shandra + Jen
We spent quite a while in that store as you can tell. Walked around a bit more, finally found Urban Outfitters! :) The stuff there is super cute, but also super expensive. They have the BEST beds and lounge chairs. mhmm... and satin bed sheets...
Went back to the car afterwards, but not before taking one more picture!
Berkeley pic!
Went back to the car afterwards and drove to Dublin to eat Macaroni Grill :)
Jen + Me
Our appetizer :9
and lastly, me!