Random Thoughts

Oct 08, 2006 06:19

We're watching Inuyasha in Anime Tribe. Had forgotten how much we love/hate the series. ^^;;
Am currently trying to convince the plunnies that no, Kagome's brother Sota doesn't need to meet the Shonen Tantei.

"We solve crimes!"
"And murders!"
"And protect people too!"
"... my sister is best friends with a half-demon who kills other demons."

Ye-ah. He'd fit RIGHT in. XD
Was my last Anime Tribe today and I got to meet girl_starfish!!! *completely fangirls* *Squee* She's very cool.

Am debating changing my default icon 'Kaitou Kid stole my Icon' to say 'Kaitou Kid stole Icka!'s Icon'.
Upon visiting Reno's forum, discovered someone liked it enough from the Proboards Forum to post my icon under the 'Post Your Fanarts' thread.
Quote: Umm... and here is a avatar that i took from EDOGAWAproboards48 !! (i can't remember the creator,so sorry for not posting credits)
... so it is good enough to repost elsewhere, but not good enough to remember whose it is? o_O ....
Thankfully, Reno did not post it on the actual gallery archive, although he does have one Japanese Fanart under the Kid section. the 'happy birthday 2003' text on the bottom is a big clue

Then today on MSN, someone randomly popped up and demanded that I send my icon to them.

The Fu-? Made it and been using it as a default icon everywhere since 2004. Why the sudden interest? @_@;;

Change of subject, on the 'Trick or Treat' meme that goes around about this time every year, do not blame me if I steal your candy or give you a dead frog. It's my Kaitou-ish nature, I apologise in advance. ^_____^

Re: The Gay Rights Meme that's going around.
Yes, I support gay rights. No, I will not repost the meme. The irritating primary school logic demanding that I choose 'us or them' has an immediate knee-jerk response, reguardless of who is using it:
Frack you. Frack yer father. Frack the horse ya came in on.
... nothing against the horse.
^_____^ Thank you.
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