Jul 10, 2005 20:18
Well I got some things done today. My borther-in-law came by and took my overly large wooden chest of drawers out of the corner of my room. So I rearranged my room to suit my needs better. I have alot more room now and it's easy for people to hang out in a single area now. I went over to my sisters house to help her clean things up because she is going to the hospital to have her baby. They are going to induse labor. It's not so bad though cause she's only going to have it a couple weeks early. I'll be an uncle to a third child. This time a boy, finally! His name will be Watson Grifon something, I forgot the last name. That horrible I can't remember her last name though she got married only a few months ago and I haven't heard the last name only but a few times. I think the name watson as a first name is kinda awkward. I have to make up a nickname for him, I've tried to come up with a few but it's hard. I like Watty the best.
Work is work, I sell sandwichs and hams and the like. I worked only one day this week >.> but I worked a full week last week so it kinda evens itslef out since it's a part time job. But I have money and time off, I would have more butt I spent $78 on fireworks =P.
Speaking of the 4th I had a good time. I shot my fireworks off on the 3rd cause of the family gathering and me wanting to show off for everytbody. It was fun, the neighbors brought out there lawn chairs and watched. The children came by and asked to have my used fireworks so they knew what to by the next day. It was fine by me. Me and Frank shot up to 4 shells at once. Each time it rained down pieces of exploded shell. And somethings hit my car >.< no damage but it hit my car. I bought this reallly big cool looking firework called the Lightning Rod, it was such a disappoitment for something it's size. It was a glorified roman candle. My other things were awesome, especially the saturn five rocket and this things that shot REALLY loud sparkly explosives.
It was fun, afterwards my friends tempted fate and made smores over my grill. it was funny when I brother in law came ou to help. Frank used the lighter fluid sanely, but my bro came out and poured alot and made a huge wall of flame, well, it wasn't dangerous just really big. We talked and jokes. We being Andy, Chris, Frank, and my brother-in-law Griffin.
Well i'm playing Lineage 2 on Lionna and have a L21 Warrior. It's been fun but nothing to noteable has happened except the raid boss event. I hate that one. Anyway I just wanted to le you guys know whats up and I hope you guys are having a good time.
I hope my friends near the coast are safe, the hurricane and all. Peace out and be safe.