Jun 26, 2005 19:44
Ok so for a brief second saturday I thought that maybe my life was going to pick up. I helped an old lady with some stuff at work and she was really thankful and everything. I felt really good for the rest of the time at work. So then we went to hang out at david's and got in a game of Andy campaign and in that campaign I learned I'm the "Hand of God" or something.In game I went into some weird trance while we were fighting a losing fight against a dragon and I summoned a huge beam of light that completely destroyed it from extistence. I liked David's quote the best to Frank. "No poking the hand of god." The fight last night was pretty fun. I blew up half the town hall of the town we were protecting. That explosion killed the Lord of the town. I almost blew up the whole city but misssed my shot. I'm just awesome in campaigns. We ended with that last night, the whole light of god and whatnot.
So I'm still in my shitty mood and I have to work tomorrow. Well atleast I get paid friday. Then I can buy some fireworks. ^_^
The weather has been bad recently, I guess to help my mood I guess >_>
I'm so bored, just nothing to do. Well I'm going to focus on something so I don't go crazy.