This post is 2 months overdue. I had an amazing time playing FF, although I completely destroyed my real life. I'm really glad I met most of the people I met, I'll definitely remember you guys forever (I have most people's AIM and junk anyways).
One thing, I have not once cheated/botted/done anything against ToS. Closest thing was spamming Curaga4 when sou claimed Fafnir before my LS (we only had 5 people there anyways, so I don't blame them) completely wiped. but the people I'm friends with in sou never held it against me so! Yep. My goal was always to be friends with everyone and not be disliked, and for the most part it worked, although I can think of a few exceptions.
Highlight of my FF career was probably the Dyna-Tav runs; most fun I've ever had playing.
Obviously I sold my account. I didn't try to hide it at all. I was blunt with everyone that asked me. My focus the last few weeks I played was to make my account as valuable as possible, although I didn't really do anything. I wanted to get something out of the game before it died, which seems like is slowly happening. Nearly everyone I told had no problem with me selling my account, so I'm glad. I hope to keep the friendships I made online (and I'm 2k richer!)
This is how my account ended if you're curious:
+3 Apollyon chips and 95million gil
My real life now is going amazing. I'm doing the best I've done in school in a long time, I've met people, and my social life is more than just sitting in front of a computer all day!
See you around! (FF14 looks amazing, wonder if I should waste another six years of my life)