Her Thunder (2/2)

Jun 27, 2010 10:56

Title: Her Thunder (2/2)
Author: iciebloo
Characters/Pairings: Callie/Arizona, Mark
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Again, I do not own ANYTHING. All characters in this fic belong to Shonda Rhimes and ABC. I am making no profit out of this whatsoever. For entertainment purposes only.
Summary: A ring and (hopefully) a friend's approval.

A/N: Second part to the story! There seems to be a theme going on in all my fics so far: Arizona prancing around in underwear. Weird. I also noticed something rather ironic about this chapter. Didn't notice it until I wrote it, and decided not to change it. Brownie points to the first person to spot the irony. Anyway, enjoy! Again, comments and/or constructive criticism are greatly appreciated!

Callie leaned against her apartment door, exhausted from her seemingly endless shift. She couldn’t stop thinking about what Mark said earlier. That bastard wouldn’t return her calls. She had scanned the surgical board multiple times to see if he was in surgery. No “Dr. Sloan” written anywhere on the surgical board. Surgeries, my ass. She had thought.

Finally, pushing all thoughts of Mark out of her head, Callie gained the last bit strength she had left and pushed herself off her apartment door. Callie knew that Arizona had taken the day off, and was probably prancing around the apartment in her underwear, like always. Callie couldn’t wait to see her. Feel her. Hold her. Inserting the key into the doorknob, Callie opened the door to her apartment.

“Arizo--Wha--Oh. My. God.“ Callie stuttered. What she saw nearly took her breath away. The whole apartment was covered in bouquets of flowers. On the floor, on the kitchen counter, on the sofa, everywhere. Lots. And. Lots. Of. Flowers.  Orchids, to be exact. Her favorite. There must’ve been hundreds of them. Thousands, even.

Callie looked from the shelves, to the kitchen counter, to the coffee table, and finally, to the center of the apartment, where the bouquets of orchids formed a perfectly shaped heart. And at the center of the heart, sat Arizona.

“Hey.” Arizona half-whispered, harking back to the countless mornings Callie had woken up to the same, loving greeting.


Arizona couldn’t help but giggle. Callie’s stuttering was incredibly endearing.

“You can’t form coherent words. That’s okay, I’ll do the talking. I-I'll keep it short too...since it looks like you're not....breathing.” Arizona paused for a moment, taking in every single one of the stunned Latina’s gorgeous features she had (so long ago) already memorized by heart. “Calliope Iphegenia Torres. The first time I met you was in a dirty bar bathroom. Not the most glamorous of places for a first kiss, so I wanted this to be special. You are the love of my life, Calliope, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I wanna become senile together. So...I think we should get married. Because that would make me super, SUPER happy. What d'you say?”

Recovering from her shock, Callie finally brought herself to speak, “Y-Yes. A thousand times, yes.”

Arizona stood up from her spot and walked over to Callie, pulling her into a deep kiss. Callie moaned into the kiss, opening her mouth slightly to allow Arizona entrance. But, curiosity got the better of her, and Callie broke the kiss before tongues could enter mouths.

“Wait. How did you have the time to do all of this? I mean I know you had the day off, but still.” Callie looked around again, admiring the flawless handiwork.

“Mark. He left work early to help.”

“Mark? Wha-Ohhhh.” Mystery. Solved. Now she felt a little bit bad for calling him a bastard…in her mind. But only a little.

“So, how ‘bout we take this to the bedroom, fiancé?” Arizona purred, snaking her arms around Callie’s waist.

“Ooh, I love the way you say it. It’s super hot. But I kinda wanna stare at this perfect beauty a little longer.”

“Calliope. You can stare at me in the bedroom as well.”

Arizona definitely deserved the massive tickling she got afterwards.

“Not you! The orchids! Although, yes, you are a perfect beauty as well.”

“Well I hope so. You are the one who has to stare at this” Arizona gestured to herself “for the rest of your life….even when I start to get crusty.”

Callie couldn’t stop grinning, cheeks burning from the pain. She thought her heart would burst from all the happiness and love she felt.

“I love you.”

Arizona flashed her famous full-dimpled, super magic smile.

“I love you too, Calliope.”

Callie pulled Arizona into another passionate kiss, cupping her delicate face. She could never get over how good she tasted. After a few moments of heavy petting and groping, Callie broke the kiss to catch her breath and rested her forehead against Arizona’s.

“And Arizona?”


“You totally stole my thunder.”

fanfic: callie/arizona

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