
Jun 01, 2004 15:10

So I get everything straight with the insurance people for my new car, right? Wrong. Never receiving a proof of insurance card, after requesting one, not once, not twice, but three times, I asked my Dad to call their office and figure out just what is going on. Apparently I am crazy, I never talked to them, and never did anything which would mean I would have insurance. Don't mention that I still have emails (of course, not the ones I need) corresiponding between the company and I. About 9:30 this morning I had this gut feeling that something wasn't right. I assumed that it was because I was skipping my woman doctor appointment-- since I'm switching doctors. I would have called, but I can't find the number. Oops. Or that I was just sickly, I've been doing that a lot lately. I drove home. I guess in a lot of ways it was a good thing too. Now I'm here and here without insurance is a lot better than there without it. At least here no one has to come pick me up. I knew there was something fishy about this all along.
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