I have nothing to say.

Jan 16, 2008 14:03

Because I had time and an opportunity to read LJ today, I decided I'd post. But since around noon I've been fresh out of ideas of what to talk about.

I have been toying with the idea of going to a trade school to learn to be a dog groomer. Is that insane?

I also almost adopted a mouse today. His name is Poseidon and he's at a local pet store. He's $5.00. But I just don't know if I've lost my marbles enough to have a pet mouse.

I was so upset about it that I couldn't bring myself to write about it at the time, but I did care for some infant field mice last July. Their mother had been killed when she was nesting them in the engine of my father-in-law's truck.

I looked up all the information I would need, bought formula and fed them off of q-tips every two hours and tried to help them with bowel movements, give them enough heat and all the while trying to protect myself from hantavirus. None of them survived, unfortunately.
There was one that seemed to want to be held the most, he ate the best and would hold onto my fingers when I fed him. He was the last one to die, and I just kept hoping I could help him pull through. It all sounds so silly now, but my heart was so invested in it.

I just finally took my Christmas decorations down yesterday. That's two weeks later than usual for me. Although I think last year it was February before I actually did it.

Two days ago a bunch of girls got together to decide on a dress for Jessica and Laurie's wedding. I think for the first time in the history of weddings a group of women with all different body shapes and sizes all tried on the same dress and loved it. This is me with Jess with the dress we chose. It will actually be in a color called "Pool", which is a turquoise-ish-Tiffany-blue.

Okay. Done.

weddings, pets

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