I haven't updated my Christmas decorations yet, which is unlike me. I feel so warm and at home with my decorations up. Although I'm not a Christian, I celebrate the concept of Christmas that I feel so many people do... I see it as a chance to reflect, appreciate and love. I remember how much my mother would get into decorating and I love having my own home to continue that tradition.
I even bought the fireplace DVD this year, and put it in at night. It adds a little something to the feel of the room, especially with the tree lit and candles burning.
My ornaments seemed to smile at me when I took them out of the storage boxes.
My not-so finished tree.
I keep forgetting to take a picture of it completed.
Anyone notice my non-vegan white feather ornaments are up?
I am such an ass. I put them up and got all riled up at the thought of someone giving me crap over it. I guess my transition into the lifestyle (beyond the dietary aspect) is going to be stalled by ornaments this year. I've never made a decision in my life (for the better, mind you) that has ever made me so defensive. I understand that eventually I'll be looking to incorporate these values fully into my life, but it will take a lot of time.
I keep wanting to cry out "give me a break! It's only been four months!!".
Not to mention, "I'm still doing more than YOU are!"... oh well.
Although I was formerly quick to avoid anything that wasn't coated with glitter, I am growing up a bit with my tastes this year. That has meant a more rustic style. First was my penguin from the Christmas Tree Shop.
Next was a gift from my mother-in-law from earlier this week.
It's a cute little tin tree... oops I forgot to take the tags off of it!
And I recently joined
serialkiller's Ornament Exchange, and I received my gift today! It was this big, gorgeous bell ornament from Target. It was a gift from the lovely
winemedineme, also a new friend of mine here on LJ.
Thank you so much, Julie! I LOVE it!!
It looks great next to my wall art of an old fashioned bicycle.
Mike and I finished the last season of Harvey Birdman tonight. Season 2 was definitely the funniest one, and the last episode made me sad. He always gives me something for Christmas that we end up watching before he even has the chance to wrap it. Last year it was Ice Age and Ice Age 2 and the year before that it was Madagascar... hey, what's with all the animated stuff? :)
I really should get to bed, but it had been too long since I posted. I hope you're all having a lovely week!