it feels like all I ever do is post long-over-due updates anymore. I promise I'll try to be better..
So, what have I been upto lately... it's been an unbelievably good couple of months... I started a new job in April - I now study chlamydia - it's a fascinating little beastie &
Daisy gave it to me right as I started the job. I hope someday to have
the clap &
herpes at well, but for now, they're not in the budget.
In other news, for the first time ever I'm seeing *gasp* an Indian boy! I know, I know - I've become so conventional/traditional I'm now officially boring. Jeremy's actually Guyanese Indian, a voice engg, lives in tampa, comes complete with a Shih Tzu named Wubbie (who's taken to me so well, he's actually bitten Jer a few times for getting between himself & me) - the Wubster is very popular & has his own myspace & facebook - ladies, look him up... guys, eh! he's not really interested.
So, yeah - that's me over the last 2 months - new job, new haircut (James is fabulous dah-ling! And works at Supercuts!), new tat, newboy, new BSL (Bastard Love Child - a names I gave the Wubster in honor of
theogator99 who called her lappie that), new epiphanies (my happiness & my family's are not mutually exclusive), new plans, hopes, dreams, aspirations... the whole nine yards... Bizarre, huh?