It's All About That

Aug 09, 2008 21:58

Title: It's All About That
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Any similarities to actual persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.
Notes: Written for Saturday Scribes.
Theme: Serenity
Prompts: potato, lipstick, fuselage

Jenny knows that happiness is all about "that".  But she probably couldn't tell you exactly what "that" is.  Because it changes.  Every day, and sometimes every minute.  And you really have to keep up with where "that" is at, or you risk falling off the wagon into the world of stress.

At the moment, Jenny can tell you, "that" is often about motherhood.  They keep a family book of "that".  Something to help them recognise it again, if they ever lose their way.  The book of "that" is full of photos, and notes in bright pens, and little stuck in drawings, and even the occasional newspaper cutting or a random candy wrapper.

But most importantly, the book of "that" contains memories in their many forms.  Jenny, with each of her newborn children in her arms.  Kelly's first disastrous attempt at the humble baked potato, complete with the signatures of all attending firemen.  Caitlyn's very own first lipstick, dressed up to the nines and tottering in Jenny's shoes.  Little Mikey's obsession with why fuselage's are almost always cylindrical.  Hubby Mark asleep on the beach, an opportunistic Seagull making off with his lunch.

It's the little things that make the difference.  The small moments between the here and the there.

Jenny knows that happiness is all about "that".  But she probably couldn't tell you exactly what "that" is.  And even if she could, it really wouldn't help you much.  Everybody has to find their own.

saturday scribes, original fiction

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