Jan 15, 2008 19:13
Well, break is going well, but I'm going back to school soon. It starts next Monday, but I'm leaving two days from now (Thursday morning) so I have a few days to move back in.
My time back up in Humboldt has been fun. I've hung out with friends lots, and done some cool stuff in the video game world too. I've seen Wario Ware and Super Mario Galaxy; Wario Ware is awesome for multiplayer, and Super Mario Galaxy is fun in single-player. I'd still like to see Metroid Prime 3. I hear it sucks, but I want to try it for myself. I borrowed another Dynasty Warriors game (Warriors Orochi) from a friend and played it a fair amount, and that brings my count of DW games up to 3: DW 4, DW 5, and Warriors Orochi. Super Smash Brothers Brawl got pushed back again, but I managed to finally do the Black Hole glitch in SSB Melee. It's kinda funny that Brawl got pushed back again, considering the date it got pushed back to (it has personal significance to me).
Heh, that was a whole lot about video games. There's not much else to talk about while I'm up here. I've priced out my school books, and they should cost $150-$250. I bought one book online, and the others wouldn't be cheaper enough to be worth it; I like buying from the school bookstore because I know the books are going to be the right ones. In other news I'm getting a new computer next semester. Well, this semester. I'll order the parts next week if all goes well. I'm spending $1000-$1200 on it. Yep.
That's what going on in the world of Chris lately.