So it turns out my mom has been messing with my iTunes, because... somehow or other, I've got classical music on my iPod. Nothing against classical music, it's just not my jam. But I figure, since I played hip-hop before, I may as well play the other end of the spectrum. One for the really old school barge inhabitants. Or just whoever's fancy it tickles. [ She considers what she's just said and grimaces to herself. ] Note to self: never using that colloquialism again.
So this is... uh... [ There's some fumbling as she picks up the iPod to check the name and artist of the song she's about to play, ] "Arabesque Number One" by... Aldo Ciccolini? Oh, sorry, that's... I don't know who that is. I think it's the performer or something, "BBC Philharmonic" is listed as an artist for one of the other ones. ...Well crap, it doesn't say who it's by. Oh well. [ She shrugs. ] Enjoy, I guess.
[ And with a little more fumbling and the push of a button,
this lovely piece begins to play. And thus, the circle of music continues. ]
[ Private to Blosnky ]
Hey tough guy. Feeling any better yet?
[ Private to Sylar - Backdated to before it was blocked because I totally saw that, yes I did ]
[ Not that she expects a response, but... ]
I'm sorry.