Giving things a kick-start...

Feb 07, 2010 17:15

So maybe I'll start keeping up a journal again. I do miss it, having a record of my life to put things in perspective, to look back on later to reminisce and see how far I've come!

I'm on quite an adventure right now: Grad School. I'm in the first year of my master's in paleontology, doing exactly what I've wanted to do my entire life. I am astonishingly lucky that it's all worked out thus far. I've gotten the bulk of my course work out of the way, and in just over a week I'll be starting serious work on my thesis. After years of study and hard work, I've made it to this point -- doing original, publishable research and contributing to science. How cool is that??

I think when publish my first paper, that'll be the benchmark I've been waiting for, when I'll tell people not that I'm a paleontology student, but a paleontologist. It might sound like a silly distinction, but for me it's kind of a big deal!

Anyway, I'll try to keep this up to date, but my track record isn't very good! For now I've got to go grade like 90 lab assignments.

research, school, journal

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