Feb 03, 2010 11:20

Me and my friend are buying extra copies of PIBI's FANARTBOOK.

I hope the book will not cost more than 18usd. (Administration charges is no joke X'O). 
but I'm not sure about the exact price yet. I'll update as soon as possible.

There are 6 extra copies to reserve.
Preferable Asean countries so the shipping cost won't be that much. 
International ( Read more... )


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Comments 28

isamijae February 3 2010, 05:10:09 UTC
Ooh, I'd like one xD. Of course, it depends on the total price. Rather broke at the moment, but I've seen the previews and they look nice =)

I'm in an ASEAN country~ so I hope the shipping won't be that expensive? *hopeful*. I really hope you're right and the book+shipping won't cost more than 20 usd or so.

Looking forward to updates! <3

p/s Where did you order the fanbooks? Is there a website?


ichlibedi_an February 6 2010, 05:04:49 UTC
isami.. sorry, it looks like i can't sell the book under 20.i already tried so hard to push the cost, but still.. :all of the bank charges and the handling package killed me:

the fix price is 22USD exclude shipping. the book might be arrive the late of March or early April. did you still interested?


isamijae February 11 2010, 11:37:23 UTC
Dear I'm sorry for the late reply. Been busy with my medic interview >__> Yes, yes, I think I'm still interested to get one. Thank you. Can you hold on for me? I can pay using Paypal once you have the books.


ichlibedi_an February 11 2010, 12:42:21 UTC
it's okay. sure, i can hold the book for you.. the last two book actually. ^^

I'll PM you after i receive the books.


crystaldee March 5 2010, 15:46:40 UTC
Oooh...Is it too late for me to order? T__T
I just found out you're going to buy PiBi's artbook...

Btw...kamu masi buka titipan buat beli buku fic yunjae anthology ngga? Temenku ada yg mo nitip 1 nih...
Tolong kasih kbr ya, thank you ^__^


ichlibedi_an March 5 2010, 23:26:42 UTC
ah.. PIBI-nya udah ada yang ngambil smua, tapi kalo misal ada yang backout tar gue kasih tau lagi d, coz ada 3orang yang belon bayar ampe saat ini. ^^

ah, yup masih bisa nitip yunjae anthology nya, gue masih belon order, tgl 10 baru mau order-nya. well, as long as temenmu willing to pay the shipping cost from Malang to where he/she lives i'm okay. ^^
just let me know later, and mungkin harganya ngga jauh beda dari 29USD d. thanks. ^^


crystaldee March 6 2010, 05:35:01 UTC
Heheheh sip sip ^___^
Btw, yg pibi's artbook itu kamu ada contohnya ngga?
Ato di mana aku bisa liat contohnya?

Temenku di Jkt...
Brarti total2...kira2 termasuk ongkir ke JKT antara 300-320 ribuan ya?
Oke de. temenku mao titip 1.
Nanti kasi rekening BCA kamu ya, kasi kabar kapan uda bisa mulai transfer uangnya...^__^


ichlibedi_an March 6 2010, 09:42:40 UTC
sure.. gue kasih link nya..

preview 1 : http://pds15.egloos.com/pds/201001/15/74/loveme.jpg
preview 2 : http://pds16.egloos.com/pds/201001/23/74/jjj.jpg
preview 3 : http://pds17.egloos.com/pds/201001/30/74/heading.jpg
preview 4 : http://pds17.egloos.com/pds/201001/30/74/ydso.jpg
preview 5 : http://pds17.egloos.com/pds/201002/06/74/coverpre.jpg

yup, kira2 segitu lah, untuk harga pastinya nanti kuPM kamu yach.. after tgl 10 mungkin baru gue PM-in.

thanks a lot. ^^


febriani May 18 2010, 08:24:36 UTC
mau tanya dong...
klo utk buku diatas msh bisa ga?
aduh telat tau infonya...huhuhu...T.T


ichlibedi_an May 18 2010, 08:48:57 UTC
masih, masih ada cuman, harganya ngga bisa kae yang diatas lagi, karena ngambilnya udah ngga dari phoebe-nim lagi, kena 450.000 sekarang.
kasi tau aja kalo mau.

or.. buku barunya diya aja, kira2 harganya 145.000
itu yoonjae juga, fanart juga. ^^


febriani May 18 2010, 08:55:25 UTC
mau tanya lagi...
itu bukunya sama kya yg ini kan??

klo bnr yg itu mau ambil...
btw punya phoebe yg baru yg mana ya?
ada reviewnya ga?
biar beli sekalian...
sorry ya bnyk tanya... ^_^!


ichlibedi_an May 18 2010, 09:18:31 UTC
yes... bener banget, yang itu. ^^

yang baru ini bukan phoebe, tapi punya DIYA.

ini contoh gambarnya..
untuk spesifikasi produk:
- 60pages
yang lain-nya apa masih ngga jelas

oh ya, sama ada picbook Yunjae love
ini sample gambar nya


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