Aug 05, 2005 12:39
Well, I had a talk with marcus today and it went better than I thought it would. I know that there is more to it but at least he told me some. I do not know mow much longer I can be in a relationship if he is going to do this shit. I mean, you dont tell someone that they should be in a porno. That kinda tends to piss your gf off...ya know? and I do not see how somone who is supposed to be a friend just keeps it going. It's just...wrong. I seriously wish people would stay out fo our relationship.
Usually friends are on your side but when you look at it from my angle it just seems like she is trying to ruin my relationship. I cant even be mad about it because she wont even tell me. I have tried to get her to tell me and she won't. That hurts so bad. We have been friends since 8th grade and we have been through a lot together and she wont tell me what is going on between her and the boyfriend ive had for almost 2 years. All I know is that she would expect me to tell her if something was going on between me and her bf. I just dont see how people expect one thing from others but when it comes to them telling someone the truth they can't/won't do it. That doesnt make sence.
This shit is just brining me closer to saying fucki it to my realtionship with marcus and with her. I mean, if neither one of them can tell me wtf is going on I am not going to put up with it. I care so much about both of them. I mean, Marcus is the most serious of a relationship I have ever had and I am not ready for it to end and I consider her like a sister to me but this is just stupid. If there is nothing going on why wont they tell me the things that I am pretty sure I know.
What do I do? I cant really force it out of either of them and I shouldnt have to. I cant ignore it anymore because it just keeps pushing at me. It makes me want to just scream and hit both of them. It makes me want to just lock myself somewhere and just be alone for forever.
I hate this feeling of betrayal