May 21, 2009 23:58
we are in dale, indiana, the middle of nowhere. we popped in for dinner at a tiny, local midwestern comfort food type restaurant. there were more people in our group than in the restaurant at the time, haha. nice surprise i guess.
passing through santa claus got good laughs out of everyone. most people in the group have a good sense of humor though and there's a lot of banter going on via the radios that we use to speak to the other two chase vehicles.
things that were looking very bad this morning are starting to look up just a little bit. some interesting developments from as far south as northern NM all the way up to west central SD into saturday and's a little far out for it to be terribly accurate, but we're going to check it all out again in the morning and decide what we're gonna have to skip out on and what we are going to chase after.
my pick for best shot at anything is western nebraska into saturday...tomorrow is just going to be a driving day. the chase starts soon! more details tomorrow!