passions and promises

May 28, 2011 18:03

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Have you ever had a desire to take a much loved character, toss them out of their normal environs, just to see what would happen? Get them into situations that in their home "canon" would never be possible? Give them a chance to shine, in ways they normally never have the opportunity? Then come join us!

We are a multi-fandom rp, most stories set in the FFVII world, though there are options for other settings. We are Yaoi/Yuri/Het/gender bender/Mpreg friendly, and are willing to discuss other content you may have a desire to bring in. We are darker themed, for the most part. NC- 17 very much welcome, but is not mandatory, and there WILL be sections for PG/R rated RP if asked for. Character death/torture very much allowed, but MUST be discussed and approved by those involved.

Plot is open, and the one who has created the plot for a particular rp story will be allowed to maintain creative control, as "storyteller", of that story. That does not however mean they are allowed to control the characters, simply the plot itself. Multiples of 'taken' chars are allowed, but must be in different RP's, unless there is reason to be mingled. There may occasionally be Shota, if that bothers you, you may avoid those stories. We allow for and encourage 'surprises', as long as they do not involve something drastic to another char, or a drastic change to the plot of someone else's story. OCs ARE allowed.

All in all, our basic motto is "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." Communication, and courtesy, and we want to provide a decent and friendly atmosphere for our players.

So if you are interested, please contact the_shezoo, mtwks_girl, or wingsofthegoddess on YIM, or VergilSpardaDK on AIM, and all other information will be provided, and your app process/trial rp scheduled.
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