Say I Love U / Chapter 15

Dec 07, 2014 21:05

“I like you. I’m not supposed to but I do. Isn’t that so” -hiccups- “so sad?”…

Yoona should have known something was amiss when she found herself opening her eyes to the bright morning light under crisp and downy white sheets.

It wasn’t that she wasn’t comfortable where she was. There was no pea stuck under the mattress she was lying on (like in the childhood story her mother used to tell); no annoying blare of an alarm clock set to wake her just before the sun rose into the sky (so she could get a head start on a day that would be filled with lab reports and rounds around a ward). It was clear that the sunrise had already passed hours ago and that she’s missed it-but only because it’s been months since she’d last taken a break and when her year-long internship finally ended, Yoona thought there was nothing better than to take a nice long, relaxing nap.

At least, after Hyoyeon’s hell of a celebratory ‘We’re fucking graduating’ and obligatory ‘Yoona finally let me throw her a birthday’ party all rolled into one. The crazy event had gone on well into the night before and for all Yoona knows it was a miracle that she had survived, despite the throbbing hangover, in one piece.

Yoona let out a loud sigh as she brought a hand up over her face, squeezing her eyes shut until the wave of nausea from her hangover passed. She wiggled underneath the soft sheets, snuggling into the pillow next to her face and away from the window pouring sunlight in. The scent on the pillowcase comforted her and she buried her nose even further into it for one, two, three seconds too long until she suddenly bolted upright-finally wide awake to pretend that she wasn’t anywhere else but her bedroom.

“I matter, don’t I?”

Except she actually wasn’t in her bedroom, God forbid. And since Yoona has known her best friend for far too long now to recognize her style and penchant for Egyptian cotton, it was too obvious to note that the dark dray generic cotton sheets she was wrapped around in were not in fact Kim Hyoyeon’s.

“Oh my God!” Yoona gasped, rubbing a hand over her eyes to clear away her sleep-blurred vision, hoping to God that she wasn’t just imagining herself inside a stranger’s bed. “Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God…”

The shock and the throbbing headache she was sporting made it hard for her to move, even though all of her insides were twisting in dread. Nervous, she dropped her gaze to her lap-taking in the too-large white shirt she was wearing and how it hung off of one shoulder. She felt around under the sheet and was relieved to note the presence of her panties and a pair of shorts she chose to ignore was not her own.  Then she reached up to inspect her face, noting that her face was bare of makeup and that the top-knot she’d done to her hair for the party had come loose and disheveled around her head. She must have been sober enough the night before to remove the chunk of eye shadow Hyoyeon made her use but still drunk to leave the clumped hairstyle on.

I must look like the Frankenstein Monster’s wife, Yoona mused, wincing as a splintering wave of pulsations hit her temples.

She closed her eyes, willing for the throbbing to stop before opening her them again and turning to her side. Tip-toeing down the strange but comfy bed, she noticed a rumpled set of sheets on the floor where she stood. Yoona kicked at them, slipping on a pair of fluffy hotel-esque slippers and looking around for her clothes and bag. She spotted her handbag’s strap draped over a chair in the small room and moved towards it-only to stop when she caught something in her peripheral vision.

Yoona turned her head and stared wide-eyed at a Polaroid image of her face stuck on a corkboard. In the picture, she was wearing her scrubs; her nose scrunched up but smiling wide as her arm reached forward. It was a photo taken of her from just a week ago… by Changmin.

Except Changmin wasn’t at the party the night before. He had to work construction somewhere south of the city and-

“Hyoyeon! Yo yo Hyo! Hyoyeon! Kim Hyoyeon! Changmin’s not here!” Yoona whined, pouting as she knocked back the shot Eunhyuk put in front of her. She winced as the alcohol burned down her throat. Hyoyeon laughed at her as she continued her whining, “He’s supposed to be here, that cheapskate! We saw each other just two ago and he wasn’t even that busy but now he is and it’s so unfair!”

“Missing your boy?” Eunhyuk teased, laughing as she bristled, “You do, don’t you!”

Her cheeks were red from not just the alcohol she consumed. “N-no. No, I don’t. I’d just like all of my friends to be present as I steadily enter the mid-20’s of my life!” Yoona glared at Eunhyuk as he made kissing noises and moved to toss her shoe at him.

Yoona didn’t get to throw her shoe but she did get to smack him on the head. “Shut up, Monkey!”


Her daydreaming halted when her ears picked up the sound of a door opening close to her. Yoona spun around, stopping short and speechless at the sight of her ‘boyfriend’ in question.

Dripping wet from a shower.

She blinked once.

And shirtless.

Blinked twice, her gaze unconsciously dipping low-

In only a towel.


“Oh!” Yoona squeaked, jumping and diving under the covers of the bed she’d just vacated. She heard a shuffle of activity as she burrowed deep into the blankets, shielding her from view. And as she pulled one of the pillows over head in a ridiculous attempt to somehow become invisible, Yoona wished her heart to stop thrumming like a hummingbird’s. She didn’t even have to look at a mirror to know that her face was hot and beet red in embarrassment, but it was even worse knowing that her blushing had less to do with that than what her overt reaction actually meant.

Because shirtless or not, Yoona doesn’t even like Changmin in that way. So she shouldn’t be feeling like a little schoolgirl caught starry-eyed by her crush. He wasn’t really her boyfriend.

Their relationship is a business deal.

He was, at most, just a friend.

Her feelings are completely platonic.


Then why won’t your heart stop fluttering? Her conscience asked, forcing her to poke her head out of the pillow and blankets. Yoona glanced shyly over her shoulder to find Changmin-Still shirtless but at least he has underpants now, thank God!-staring back at her with a raised eyebrow and an amused smile. She couldn’t help but smile back, even as her cheeks burned hotter. It’s been happening too many times to be considered as a fluke. You like him! Just admit it!

I DON’T, Yoona scolded her conscience as she sat up. He stood motionless where she left him, waiting her out as she took shy and tentative steps away forward. His eyes were warmer than usual and that made her heart skip beats again. I don’t like him like that; she repeated the words in her head as she gathered her courage, each time sounding weaker and weaker than the last. I don’t, I don’t, I don’t…

She dared to look him in the eye again just then and found herself melting in his gaze. Butterflies fluttering incessantly in her stomach, happy and free in a way that meant only one thing.

Shit, she thought, unable to stop the smile widening on her face. I like him.

The first thing that comes to Changmin’s mind when Yoona faced him again was this: She’s unfairly pretty even after a hangover.

The next thought that pops after that is: Shit, she’s wearing my clothes. Why did Yuri dress her in-

Hearing her jump and yell caused him to realize the situation they were in and with a cursory glance downwards, Changmin realized why Yoona had dove back into his bed. I’m NAKED. Standing in front of her in only a towel. He had to stop himself from laughing out loud at the way she squirmed under his blankets. It was cute, really, how she tried to bury herself under his pillows. The situation was embarrassing, true, but it wasn’t anything out of the ordinary. At least not for people supposedly dating like he and Yoona.

And because of that (and the little squeak she made when she peeked out of the covers), Changmin decided not to bother to cover himself further… even though he could have easily. Instead he stood and waited for her to calm down; raising an eyebrow at her and smiling once she sat up fully and looked him in the eye.

His smile widened when she started walking towards him, hands clasped behind her and her cheeks aflame in a pleasant pink. Yoona raised one hand and fluttered her fingers at him in a cute wave, smiling now that she probably realized he wasn’t going to embarrass her.

Changmin turned away from her slightly before coming back, holding up a pair of skinny jeans on one hand while the other gripped his whiteboard. /These pants are Yuri’s. The girls said you wouldn’t want to wear your dress again today since it stunk of alcohol so they put it in the wash and told me to give you these. It should be done in a few hours.../

Yoona looked like she didn’t know what to say, but she accepted the pants with a slight smile and a nod nonetheless. They stood staring at each other, waiting for a long moment before Changmin ducked his head and started writing. He turned to give her his back just as he finished, lifting the board up for her to read.

/I can’t go downstairs for breakfast in just my towel and since you’re kind of in the way of my dresser …/

“Oh.” Yoona glanced down at her feet, feeling her face flush red-hot, and suddenly noticed the row of drawers built into the bed. “Did you want um… pants too?” She asked, glad that her voice didn’t stumble too much as she kneeled down to finger one of the drawer handles. Of course he wants pants! God, Yoona, what the hell. She opened one of them once she saw him nod and tried not to blush at how intimate it felt to be browsing through his clothing. He could just stay shirtless though-Ugh no, shut up brain!

This was something couples who stayed over each other’s places or lived together did and they were neither of those things. They weren’t even an honest-to-God couple but it sure seemed like her libido didn’t exactly get the memo.

Oh come on, you know he’s not at all bad-looking. You thought he was handsome the second you laid eyes on him, remember?

Not the point here, brain. Please shut up. He needs to get dressed just as much as I need to get out of his…

Exactly! You’re wearing his clothes. Why don’t you strip off his shirt and offer that to him, huh? That’d be kin-

Please. For the love of all that is good and holy. Shut. Up!

Even while mentally arguing with herself, Yoona selected a soft-looking gray shirt and denim jeans from his clothing and stood up. She exclaimed “Catch!” as she threw it over his head-grateful that he did indeed catch them before turning back around to slip the shorts she was wearing down her legs.

They dressed quickly and efficiently with their backs turned to one another, both very aware of the other. Stealing glances at each other while she buttoned her jeans and he smoothed his shirt down his torso, it took them almost another minute before they faced each other again-their faces both glowing red.

Changmin smirked at her, holding up his board once again: /Good morning./

“Good morning.” Yoona rolled her eyes at him, smiling despite herself and ignoring the flush of affection she felt at seeing him just as shy as she was in this situation. Slowly walking towards him, she turned to face left once she encountered a mirror hanging off the wall next to the bedroom door.

“I look like I’m wearing a sack.” She complained, her fingers playing with the wide bottom hem of the shirt-his shirt-she was wearing. She stared at herself for a moment before pulling the shirt away from her and gathering them into two separate ends. Knotting the hems together at the waist into a simple square knot, the large shirt fit a little better now even though it still hung off of one shoulder.

Yoona caught him raising the board again and rolled her eyes again at what was written there: /Now you look like a disheveled human being wearing a shirt-and not a sack! Bravo./ He was looking at her in that smug but attractive (Oh God, Yoona thought) way of his that she almost flung herself onto him. Instead, she slapped him on the arm, taking a step back to balance on her heels and play with her fuzzy-slippered feet.

Changmin tapped her shoulder a second later. /You okay?/

“Yeah,” Yoona replied, nodding slightly. She could still see him standing there without his shirt off and felt a shiver course through. It didn’t help that there was still a faint blush on her cheeks that was just not dying down too. Evidence that she was responding non-verbally in ways she shouldn’t. “A little hungover but… fine. Just fine.”

/You look flushed, is all. Like you might have a fever./ Changmin started to reach over to place a hand on her forehead only to have Yoona jump back and away from him. He frowned, unsure of what to make of her reaction.

Less than a minute ago, he had been certain that he had seen attraction brewing in Yoona’s eyes. He’d seen it during the time she made him look for suits to wear for her father’s homecoming party and then after their first kiss. He’d seen it when he picked her up after her hospital duty, when he had danced with her during one of those double dates Hyoyeon insisted they do together, when she was over at the Music store to hang out for a bit before going to class. He’d seen it enough times in the past five months of ‘dating’ to know that she was just as affected by him the way he was with her. And after last night… Changmin had decided that he wasn’t going to talk himself down from showing his affections anymore.

That is, unless she keeps on moving away from me when I do. Changmin thought ruefully, grimacing slightly as he watched her look away from him.

He reached a hand out and tugged at her forearm, bringing her closer to him than usual. Yoona’s eyes widened in surprise at his proximity but said nothing, blinking up at him as he put hands on her shoulders and then up to cup her cheeks. She could smell the spicy scent of his aftershave when he was this close, and like all of the other times before she felt her heart race by his presence.

She had just opened her mouth to speak only to be interrupted by Changmin’s sisters bursting through the door. Their yelling a very cheerful “You’re awake!!! Finally!” promptly ended the moment they were having. Had. And whatever it could have lead to was instantly cooled over once both Yuri and Sooyoung pulled her out the bedroom door.

If they hadn’t interrupted, Yoona knew that she might have kissed him. That she might have let herself be taken away by the feeling of her (finally accepted) attraction for Changmin and let him know with a kiss. And if he had responded at all, the moment would have led them back to bed and…

Yoona bit her lip, shaking her head off of those thoughts. It was probably for the best anyway. He couldn’t possibly feel the same way.

She tried not to feel disappointed as she followed the sisters down the stairs, smiling and laughing along with their jokes as she could. She made sure not to falter in her steps or look back at Changmin atop the stairs.

This isn’t even supposed to be real

*dbsk/jyj, #chaptered fic, n1fic: say i love u, ♥: changmin/yoona, *snsd, a: nikka

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