Say I Love U / Chapter 4

Mar 22, 2011 16:50

Hyoyeon hummed quietly to herself as she drove past slow walking civilians one glorious Saturday morning. She's feeling a little too chipper out in the early sun than usual and she briefly wondered why.

Perhaps it's because a lot has happened in past couple of weeks? And by a lot she meant the on-going connection her best friend and her 'boyfriend' seemed to have growing over the past days.

It didn't escape her notice the fact that 'Mr. Broody' Shim Changmin came by everyday, just as they stepped out of their dreary classrooms to walk her friend to her car or grab a cup of coffee. The first time he came by, he was anxious and felt out of place - towering over Medical students in their University. Yoona had paid no attention to the confused stares their classmates had given her (they were used to seeing Fishy pick her up, standing against his white Lexus and spacing out) and greeted him politely.

They were so cute, Hyoyeon had thought, being so awkward and shy that day as they walked off. It was like one of those clichéd moments in a high school manhwa where the lead characters meet the day after confessing their 'love'.

Hyoyeon grinned to herself, stepping on the acceleration just a bit and crossed an open intersection. She knew better, of course - that this little game of pretend would lead to something more. It was a typical romantic-comedy plot after all: Brooding guy falls for bright and sunny girl or vice versa after playing the role of 'husband-and-wife' to escape trouble only to create more chaos! It fit perfectly.

Sure... things will eventually backfire and there'll be confusion and lots of denial (on Yoona's part, she predicted) but all of that could only make things more interesting. She turned at a corner and let her window down, letting the cool morning breeze waft into the interior of her car. Besides, the hero and heroine in the story will always find their way to one another - no matter how much trouble and confusion they go through, because they are meant to be.

Hyoyeon wasn't sure yet if they were - 'meant to be' that is- but she had ways to find out. Yoona had always said that she had a knack of getting even a rock to talk and she's always been proud of this particular ability. Maybe that's the reason why she was so happy this morning - because nothing else could make her happier (aside from Eunhyuk, chocolate chip cookies and new shoes) than a makeover.

She grinned, slowing down to a stop near a salon and waved at the sober man standing anxiously and out of place outside the building. Who else would be a perfect candidate for a makeover than Mr. Broody himself?

"Good morning, Broodinator!" Hyoyeon said, waving as she stepped out of her vehicle. Changmin regarded her with a nod, shifting from one foot to the other. She eyed him and noticed the presence of the small whiteboard he carried everywhere. "Aigoo. Why can't you just talk like a regular human being?"

He rolled his eyes and shrugged, running a hand through his shoulder length hair. His arm wrapped around his board, as if for protection.

Hyoyeon shook her head. "Geez, you really are weird. Oh well, anything is fine as long as we can communicate one way or another."

When he didn't respond, she shrugged as well and turned towards the door. Say good-bye to that hobo look, Changmin, Hyoyeon thought, grinning mischievously.

It was a few days ago, after an Anatomy class that ran late and the three of them were walking towards their respective cars. Changmin wasn't driving his own car, it was Yoona's but seeing him wait outside the university was so common now - she hadn't bothered to ask why he walked them there. It was during that short walk that Hyoyeon hinted innocently the idea of a haircut ("I'm thinking of getting a bob. What do you think?") and Yoona suddenly commented on the length of his. It had begun to curl over his nape and although "it was attractive on him" (Yoona had said this with a slow breath that only served to pique Hyoyeon's interest over the two even more) - she wasn't so sure her "father would find it appropriate".

Changmin wasn't excited about the prospect of cutting his hair, but Hyoyeon had expected that kind of response. She even half-expected him not to arrive at all, but if her instincts were as good as she was proud of them -she knew that if Yoona asked him to come, he would. He didn't seem to know how to say "No" to her friend at this point in time and may never will.

Hyoyeon laughed to herself, understanding fully well that was the case and pulled on his sleeve. "Let's go get your hair cut, Broodster."

The way his expression turned sour only added to her laughter as she dragged him into the salon. Hyoyeon grinned as thoughts of her plan ran through her mind.

Oh Broody. I am going to have fun torturing you.

The day was turning out to be a particularly uneventful one as far as Yoona was concerned. It was a beautiful Saturday-perfect climate, birds chirping merrily and (for once) an off day from exams and experiments-but now that her morning visit with her father was over, she had the rest of the day to... bum around before she had to stop by again. She frowned at the thought as she stepped very slowly across the expanse of a bridge connecting two wards together. Yoona was not the type to just bum around.

I wonder if I should check in on Sooyoung, she considered, glancing at her watch for the time. It was only half-past ten and she had plenty of time (all day, in fact); a little catching up with her boyfriend's sister wasn't so bad and besides she liked Sooyoung a lot.

"Boyfriend." Yoona repeated the word slowly, letting it roll off her tongue and stopped walking mid-step. In her mind she saw two men's faces (one was bright and smiling, while the other rolled his eyes and smirked) and pursed her lips, thinking it ridiculous how a person could say one word and think of two people at the same time.

Well, technically Donghae and I are broken up and Changmin's my boyfriend now - it's not fair to give him that title since he's just pretending-because I asked him to, okay. This is partly my idea-but Donghae really asked me to be his girlfriend - he's a jerk, seeing someone else behind my back. Changmin's a really nice guy, despite his non-talking and really handso-

She put a hand over her face and sighed, shaking her head. Her thoughts were running wild and away from her and it gave her a headache. She was only confusing herself; and it certainly doesn't help her situation at all. Whether Donghae is the bad guy or Changmin is her 'boyfriend' or 'partner-in-crime' or whatever he was... it isn't something she should stress over too much. It was no one's fault after all; time and space led her to this moment and Yoona simply did have any control over it even if she wanted to.

She resumed walking, closing her eyes and rubbing her temple as her headache pounded. If she hadn't closed her eyes for too long, Yoona wouldn't have collided hard with a slim and equally distracted woman staring down solemnly at the floor. "Ow." The woman said, rubbing her forehead while Yoona did the same and blinked in confusion. "I'm sorry-I wasn't looking at where I was going."

Yoona shook her head, waving her free hand in front of her and smiling sheepishly. She bowed modestly in apology. "No, it was my fault too. I wasn't looking either and I've got a harder skull. I'm sure I did more damage to you than you to me."

"Please, you don't have to apologize. It's only a red spot, it'll fade in an hour or so." She said, pointing at her forehead and laughing (the sound was melodious and slightly high-pitched). Yoona grinned guiltily and straightened her posture. The woman was dressed fashionably (probably all designer brands, she guessed), with a crème white blouse, skinny jeans and black silk flats. Her hair was light brown and tumbled down her shoulders in waves, and when she smiled Yoona felt a sense of familiarity. "I'm lost, to be honest. It's been a while since I've been in a hospital in Korea and I've forgotten where the cafeteria is."

"Oh? The main cafeteria is in the ground floor, behind the garden. There's also a small cafeteria in this floor across the bridge," Yoona replied, pointing at a two-door entrance behind her, "but I'm afraid the food here isn't very... how shall I say this? Savory?"

The woman laughed again, wrinkling her nose. "I was only hoping to get a good hot cup of coffee while waiting for my mother's appointment to finish but..." she shrugged, smiling and shook her head, "I'm afraid I'll lose my appetite if I eat hospital food, let alone, drinks now."

"Actually, there's a very good café just beside the hospital. I was planning on going there after visiting a friend of mine but I can always go later. Besides, I feel sorry for causing you physical harm." Yoona smiled, holding out her hand in greeting, "My name is Im Yoona. Why don't we have some coffee and pass the time?"

The woman nodded, smiling brilliantly as she brought her own hand out to shake hers. "My name is Jung Sooyeon, but you can call me Jessica."

She frequented this particular establishment because of Eunhyuk (he had his hair cut regularly, and often got ready for their dates there). So when the clerk saw them walk in, she recognized her immediately and were whisked into a corner not a moment later with Changmin sitting uncomfortably in a chair and waiting for the hair stylist to cut. Hyoyeon smirked at him and took a seat beside his chair, flipping through a magazine she found wedged between the mirror and wall. He looked nervous and annoyed all at the same time thinking about the prospect of cutting his hair.

"Relax, Broody. They're not going to cut your ear off, I promise. You've already decided to disregard your ability to speak; we don't need for you to lose your sense of hearing too." She said while eyeing the piece of jewelry photographed on the page of the magazine. She raised an eyebrow when he grunted in response and rolled his eyes. He had a pen out and was writing a message - his hand movements faster that she's ever seen anyone write before. She vaguely wished she had the same ability so she wouldn't have to ask Yoona to copy her notes all the time.

/Let's make this quick. I have to be home before Yuri talks Minho and the customers half to death at the Music Store./ It said, the white background of his board glaring back at her as she read his message.

"Aww, come on! She won't bore your customers to death! If you hadn't noticed, your sister's hot and I bet that you'll get more people in your store if you had her around more often." Hyoyeon replied, wiggling her eyebrows.

Changmin heaved a resigned sigh and shook his head. /I know how attractive she is, Hyoyeon but I really didn't need to hear it from you. Minho's already told me too many times and it only gives me headaches./

"Dude, she's eighteen. She's allowed to have more than one boyfriend in a lifetime you know."

/She's still a child./

"Wow... Yoona's right. You look all mean and tough on the outside but you're really just a big softie, aren't you?" Hyoyeon said; her eyes wide in mock surprise. "You know, Yoona really likes nice guys. If you keep this up, I'm sure she'll like you too."

The tips of his ears immediately flared red although his face stayed serious; his eyes piercing through hers from the mirror in annoyance or trepidation (Maybe both, she thought and smirking). Hyoyeon grinned at his reflection and made a 'tsk, tsk' sound as she put down her magazine. "Don't worry, Changmin. I know how to keep a secret." She winked at him and laughed out loud when he rolled his eyes. She pulled one of his ears. "Dude, you're totally blushing! Look at your ears!"

Changmin swatted her hand away, tilting his head the other way. He glared at her obvious enjoyment at torturing him and quickly wrote another message. /Please stop harassing me./

"Oh but I enjoy it," she argued, her tone light and mischievous as he rolled his eyes again.

This is going to be a long day, Changmin thought and took in a deep breath. He stared at himself in the mirror and wondered why he had to go through this crazy person's need to makeover an innocent bystander. Granted, the long hair was getting on his nerves but he didn't care to have it cut, let alone, styled. Why did he have to go through this? Because she said it would look better, his mind supplied, because Yoona thinks it will look good on you. That's why you're here at the mercy of her best friend. You want to make her happy-even if this whole thing is just a sham to present to her father.

Happy? What does a haircut have to do with making anyone happy? He cursed in his mind and closed his eyes, trying to steady the slight jump in his chest just by the thought of her name.

Changmin could still feel the light brush of her fingers against his cheek when he thought about her. The warmth of her fingertips still imprinted against his skin even though it's already been days and a several showers later. This girl... she's trouble. Unconsciously his lips curled into a small smile at the thought, and he found that a part of him (a small or big part, he couldn't be sure) didn't mind at all.

"You like her more than you let on, don't you Changmin?" Hyoyeon said suddenly, surprising Changmin out of his thoughts. He stared at her in surprise, feeling another one of those 'jumps' in his chest comes to life. He didn't know what to think or write and she knew this clearly. Changmin felt a wave of nausea at the sight of her wicked grin widening.

The hairstylist appeared not a moment later and he resigned in his seat. Beside him, Hyoyeon stood up to give the stylist her instructions. ("I want him to look like he's from this generation and not a hobo, okay? Something cool looking but you can still run your hand through his-oh God no, he's not mine. He's Yoona's-you know, big eyes, gorgeous figure-yep, that's the one. Anyway, he has to look presentable for my best friend. Lord knows she needs more sexy times in her lifetime-Haha, I know right! But back to the hair-" He tuned her out before he felt the need to hit her or escape or both.) And then while the stylist nodded and went to work on his hair, Hyoyeon leaned back against her chair.
She had guessed that he would find her statement shocking and expected him to go on severe silent mode instantaneously. She had to ease into it... that's how you get people to tell you what you want to know. She tapped him on the arm, looking at him innocently.

"Why don't I tell you the story of how Yoona and I met to pass the time? It was right across the street, actually-" She pointed beyond the glass windows and to a half-hidden café sitting just across the building. Changmin strained his eyes to the side just to steal a peek; the hairstylist carefully tapped him to straighten in his seat promptly. "I used to work there part-time in high school, and she came in every Thursday afternoon for an espresso. I thought she was so strange since most high school students during that time would have never ordered an espresso in the morning."

"She usually sat a corner table in the back, but that particular Thursday she sat outside. I was running late for my shift and saw her sipping her coffee at one of those dingy chairs. And when she nodded in my direction as I approached, I couldn't help but blurt out a 'Aren't you too young to order and drink an espresso?'." Hyoyeon's lips curled into a smile as she remembered Yoona's slow smirk to her outburst. "I thought she'd get angry but instead she shrugged and said that an espresso was exactly the right type of bitter drink she needed after a day of extra classes in Math. I didn't know what came over me next because after she said that I was suddenly sitting at her table complaining about school and boys with her. Needless to say, I did get in for my shift or get my paycheck that day."

/She has a thing for bitter drinks./ Changmin smiled, remembering how often she would stop by the café he worked at mornings and ask for a cup of coffee before her classes. She would always catch his eye and smile (he'd smile back every time and his friend, Kyuhyun, would wonder out loud why his waiter is making "google" eyes at some chick) before taking a sip from her tumbler and leaving. /She said the bitter taste calmed her nerves./

"She has weird tastes, that girl... but she's the best. I don't know why Donghae could ever hurt her the way he did. It's cruel." Hyoyeon said this more to herself than to him, he noticed. Her bright expression dimming as each word fell off her lips. Changmin sat stonily and stared off elsewhere. "You know about Donghae, right?"

He nodded once, and she sighed. "My boyfriend, Eunhyuk, is close friends with Donghae. They've known each other since they were children and work at the same office too. He probably knows why Donghae broke up with Yoona and he'd tell me if I ever asked, but I don't think I should bother." Hyoyeon shook her head and looked over at his solemn face. "Any man who hurts my friend is dead to me. Especially if said man breaks her heart."

Changmin could hear the gravity in her voice and he turned his head slightly to look her in the eyes. She stared at him dead on and spoke in a lower tone, "You won't break her heart, right?"

It's only for show. He thought, staring back at her unflinching. There are no real feelings involved.

"I know it's just a-" She cleared her throat and glanced at the stylist (he seemed immersed in his finishing touches) and continued, "I know it's a new relationship and feelings haven't exactly deeply developed yet but... you won't hurt her, right?"

He lowered his eyes for a moment, thinking-I won't hurt her. I don't think I can.-before looking back into her gaze. She squinted, her serious expression slowly turning into a softer one as she understood. She smiled, patting his arm and winking. "I was right."

The hairstylist backed away and brushed off any stray cut hair from Changmin's shoulders. Hyoyeon nodded approvingly at his new haircut and gave the stylist a 'thumbs up' sign. Changmin stared at his reflection, taking in the sight of his changed look and ran a hand through it. He said nothing as he stood up slowly and bowed at the salon staff as Hyoyeon paid and thanked them for their service. They stepped out into the sunlight moments later.

"It's okay, you know," She said suddenly, breathing in the fresh air and ruffling his newly styled hair. She gave him a 'thumbs up' sigh as well and smirked. "It's okay if you feel something more, Changmin. If you want to like her, then you should. There's no harm in feeling for another person."

/I have no idea what you're talking about./ But he did, he wasn't stupid. The jumps in his chest weren't there for no reason. He's felt this before way back then but not as intensely. Not like they are now. And apparently, Kim Hyoyeon seemed to know this too. She skipped towards her car and slid inside in one smooth movement. She winked at him again and waved.

"Some advice though: When you tell her you love her... say it, don't write it."

Changmin found himself smiling as she drove away.

"I've been living in the States for the past ten years with my parents, working on improving my designer label in New York." Jessica said, sipping her coffee slowly. The café Yoona brought them was quaint; cozy and quiet - perfect for a short getaway from the hustle and bustle of the Metropolitan Seoul streets. She hummed happily as the warm liquid slid down her throat just right before setting the cup back on its' platter. "But after my mother got sick, I didn't want to leave her alone in the house anymore and opted to come back to live here instead. My father stayed in the U.S. for his job and I put my collection on hold."

Yoona nodded, impressed at her companion for having developed her career on her own in a foreign country. They had only sat together for a less than half an hour and already she knew that Jessica Jung was a beautiful, successful and well-mannered woman. "That's amazing, unni... you're so successful at such a young age. You seem so grounded too; leaving your job to take care of your mother. It's honorable." she said, smiling.

Jessica shook her head and laughed. "Not really. I've always been a little bit more like my dad-kind of a workaholic-that's how I got so far at this age." She put her hands on the table and studied them for a moment, gathering her thoughts. She touched the links of her diamond-studded watch and pursed her lips. "But I've learned how difficult it is to balance work and love-you can't have both and not work at it. I had to distance myself from people I love just to get ahead... and well, I love my mom very much."

"Has she been sick for very long?" Yoona asked, quickly recognizing the distress etched across her features. Her father had the same expression when her mother had fallen ill-and she could never forget that face. Tentatively she reached over and patted her hand comfortingly. It has only been an hour but Yoona had felt a tug of familiarity towards her and she did not want to ignore it.

"I'm sorry if I am being too bold. But, you look like you need to talk about it with someone. My father is sick and staying at the hospital too. I know how it feels... to feel powerless because you can only do so much for someone you love. I find that it helps when you have someone you can speak to."

"I've only been here a couple of weeks. I haven't had time to really befriend anyone yet." Jessica smiled gratefully, brushing away at her eyes. "My mother... she has been a stoic state since we started living overseas. But it's gotten worse a year ago. It's hard to look at her sometimes, because she used to be so beautiful and full of life. It's not the same person who brought me up during my formative years. She's been... very ill. At least, her doctor said, mentally."

Jessica's hand wrapped around hers as she spoke; never noticing the slow pain passing through Yoona's beautiful face. She felt a churn in her stomach, a painful but not surprising ball of emotion forming as she listened. She remembered feeling this way before.

"They say she suffers from a case of manic depression, and it's been difficult for our family. There are days when she has high spirits, but there are also days where she crashes and burns so quickly I'm usually afraid. I've never spent as much time with her in the past ten years till now in Korea... but I've always missed her."

Yoona pulled her hand away as Jessica leaned back against her chair and stared out the window. The day had gone by without her notice, and several tens of people were already going about their day swiftly. She briefly remembered Saturdays spent playing in the park with her sister and eating sandwiches their mother made-when she remembered, if she got out of bed... Yoona took a deep breath, brushing a lone tear trailing down her cheek. "Most manic episodes are triggered by life changes, such as childbirth or death of a loved one."

Jessica nodded. She got hold of her purse and pulled out a photograph. It was badly creased, as if it had been crumpled and smoothed out in a person's hand for a long period of time repeatedly. In the image was a girl, a boy and beautiful woman holding them both close to her. They were all smiling-the girl, Yoona guessed, was Jessica and the woman her mother, but the boy... she felt the tug of familiarity in her heart once again.

"Your brother?" Yoona asked, looking up at her curiously. Her voice was tinged with an emotion she couldn't contain and surprised her. Jessica nodded slowly, and she handed the photograph back. "Did he die?"

She shrugged, smoothing a crease on the image. "My mother seems to think so..."

"So he's alive?"

Jessica never answered her question, and Yoona never pushed for an answer any further. Instead, they sat together in silence-watching the people go about their lives in the late morning breeze.

Changmin feels a little uncomfortable, standing outside the large wooden doors of a church he's never seen before (he's never been to this part of town either). He looked around, squinting to peek through a thin wedge between the doors. She had sent him a message to meet there and yet she was nowhere to be found. He had begun to seriously rethink his-thoughts? Intentions? What were they exactly?-and sighed, stepping down from the stone steps one by one.

[Where are you?] He typed, staring down at the white screen glaring at him. He waited for her reply, running a hand across his nape and feeling slightly naked without the usual clump of hair that used to be there. I wonder how she'll take this new... hair? He thought unconsciously but then shook his head at how ridiculous it sounded. Still, what she thought mattered-he had to look his best. She was his 'girlfriend' after all.

He ignored the feeling of affection swelling in his chest. Girlfriend. Then his phone beeped.

[There's a garden behind the church. I'll be there, waiting by daisies.]

Changmin found himself stepping into a place surrounded by flowers and light moments later. He looked around slowly, stepping carefully across the patio-catching sight of Yoona sitting on a bench and touching daisies with her fingertips. She saw him as he approached and gave him a small smile in greeting, her eyes dim and her demeanor melancholy.

Yoona reached up to touch his hair the moment he sat down and set his board beside him, her smile widening in approval. "It looks really good," she said, staring at him and brushing his hair away from his forehead-her touch lingering against his cheek for a moment before she removed her hand and looked away. "Hyoyeon did good with styling your hair. She'd make a perfect coordinator if she ever decides to leave Medicine."

She leaned forward and touched the daisies growing at the side of their bench and picked one, twirling the stem between her fingers. She had the most sorrowful expression on her face that didn't fit her beautiful features. Changmin watched her solemnly, waiting for her to speak.

"My sister and I used to play after Church with our mom when she was still alive. We would run around in our best dresses and make flower wreathes-just as long as we promised to help plant more flowers to replace that ones we picked. They're the best memories I have left of my mother."

Yoona cleared her throat, brushing her hair back behind her ear. "I told you that she died when I was child, right?" When he nodded, she continued, "Most people think children only remember the good times of their childhood and none of the bad. I think otherwise because I remember everything."

"She killed herself-overdosed actually, with a whole bottle of potent sleeping pills."

Then she let out a laugh, her body shaking visibly and Changmin moved to wrap his arms around her. She did not protest (he hadn't expected her to; he tightened his hold around her) and shook in his arms, breathing in ragged breaths and mournful sobs. They stayed still like this for a while, until her breath calmed and she stopped shaking.

"Sorry... I laughed because I met someone today whose mother reminded me of my own. I hadn't thought about her in a while... I thought I had forgotten her." Yoona whispered, moving away from him only slightly to adjust herself before tilting her head to rest on his shoulder. Changmin breathed in deeply, rubbing the small of her back comfortingly and listening to her words. "My father doesn't know that I know the reason of her death. I kept it a secret for so long I almost forgot about it."

She giggled, lifting her head from his shoulder to look at him. He stared back at her watery eyes and pink nose, smiling at him. "You know this is the part where you put one of your earbuds on my ear and we listen to some song you've got in your playlist that hits the right note in a situation. You don't have one this time?" she said, her tone light but serious. Almost hopeful.

He let his lips curl into a small smile and pulled out his pen.

/I don't have one for right now... but I can tell you one of my secrets./

Her eyes lit up a little as she nodded and settled her head back onto his shoulder. "What is it?"

/My adoptive mother isn't dead. She left us, her family, for another./

"Do they know?" she whispered, thinking about Sooyoung and Yuri-his sisters and her friends. Changmin shrugged, pulling her close with an arm around her waist.

/They do, but like you they never let our father know that they knew. We've kept it a secret for so long, it doesn't matter if she really died or not./

Yoona nodded slowly, tracing the words on the board with her fingertips. "Is that why you don't talk? Because you had to keep it a secret and decided it was better to just stay mute forever?"

She looked up at him for an answer but instead received a smile and soft kiss on her forehead. She blinked in surprise, and reached for the spot where his lips touched her skin-more surprised that she found it was a welcome gesture and not as an intrusion. Her lips curled into another one of her smiles and she shook her head, pinching his nose. She laughed as he swatted her hand away.

"A secret for another time..." she said, ruffling his hair and laughing, "You sure know how to shut someone up, don't you?"

As their Saturday drew to a close with the afternoon sky swirling colors of blues and pinks around them, Changmin only pulled her closer... and that she realize, she also didn't mind.

("Flight E34D6 from New York City has arrived at Platform A2 at 20:00 hours."

She tilted her neck to look over the people bustling out of the gates. It was a beautiful evening and her mother was safe at home - she had all the time in the world at her fingertips for now and she wanted nothing more than to curl warm into her couch, beside the man she loved with all her heart.

He saw her before she saw him and they ran to each other in quiet desperation, all smiles and kisses as they said hello. "You're back," she whispered, burying her head at the crook of his neck and smiled. His only response was to hug her tighter and breathe her in.

A man laughed from behind and shaking his head as he approached them. He hit them with his passport in one swift movement and laughed when they turned their heads to glare at him menacingly. "Donghae. Jessica. Could you guys be all lovey-dovey after we've all gone back to our homes? I've been dying to see my Hyoyeon hours ago." He said, pointing towards the direction of the exit.

"You kill the mood, Eunhyuk," Donghae said, rolling his eyes. Eunhyuk only shrugged in response and waved goodbye, walking away quickly as he dialed a number on his phone. Moments later, he guffawed and the pair he left behind could only imagine that his call had gotten through. "What a guy," He said under his breath, grinning at his friend before grabbing her hand and started walking towards the exit.

"What happened while I was gone?" he asked, wrapping an arm around her shoulders and pressing a kiss on the side of her head. Jessica hummed and shrugged, entwining her fingers in his as they stepped out into the moonlight. She turned to him, smiling-kissing him softly.

"I found him.")

Author's Note: 5,661 words, countless re-writes and editing later, I present to you my flist: Chapter Four! Wooh, let's celebrate!!! ♥ Or not, whichever you prefer... as for me, I'm just glad I finally felt content enough to post this after so long! A month, holy shizz. >///< Please for me for the very late update.

Not as funny or fluffy as the past chapters but that's okay, right?

Anyway, while I was battling with my inner perfectionist and capturing my writing muse I decided to make an MV for this fic. It took me three hours just to get the clips I wanted and have everything arranged. I haven't made a fanmade MV in such a long time I'm kind of wary of how it'll look to everyone. :\ Nonetheless, I am proud of it and will share it with everyone!

image Click to view

*dbsk/jyj, #chaptered fic, n1fic: say i love u, ♥: changmin/yoona, *snsd, a: nikka

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