Ahh, it's been a while. Classes are still fairly far away, so I'm glad. XD I'm not ready for that to start again yet.
Fandom, how I love you. And my friends? They are truly epic and loveable. Therefore, that is why I am... at 11:11, offering up fanfiction to my livejournal. >__>
jamasunda and I exchanged Arashi prompts. And what resulted on my half was crazy Ohmiya loving. I was surprised at myself, that I was even able to write something like that. It's been a loooong time since I've even attempted. And now I am giving it to a writing journal on LJ, because the other site I use for my fanfiction is only for those that aren't adult oriented. >__> *hides*
Anyway! If you want to read it - *points* Go
this-a-way. I'll add the other two Arashi fanfics I wrote during work since the one for Neener's birthday there later tonight.
Other than that, I watched Yamada Tarou and some of Maou with a friend, and watched the first episode of Love Shuffle tonight. I loved it. Read some more of Skip Beat. Downloaded some more Arashi no Shukudai-kun to catch up with tomorrow.
And tomorrow I'm going to visit my grandma. I wasn't sure if I was going to, but I am. Lately I've been a little on edge about her, because she just had her will written. I know it's dumb, but it makes me anxious and I feel like sometimes I want to pull away from those kinds of things. But I love her and I want to be there for her, so I'm gonna suck it up and do just that.
I also started a bit of a diet. It's nothing hardcore, just something to keep me healthier and happier. =3 That silly kind of thing. It's been working. Plus it feels like I have more energy lately. It's kinda nice.