My Icon Recipe

Jan 25, 2006 21:26

StrawBerry Blanc Manger (addapted from

1/3 Cup Cornflour
3 1/3 cup Whole Milk
1 cup Strawberry Puree (run about a quart of strawberrys through a food processor)
3 1/2 Tablespoons Fine Sugar
Vanilla Extract to taste

Blend the cornflour with the strawberry purée and bring the remain­ing milk to a boil. Pour the boiling milk on to the cornflour mix­ture, stirring all the time. Return the mixture to the heat and bring back to the boil, stirring continuously. Simmer very slowly for 5 minutes, stirring occasionally. Remove from the heat and stir in the sugar and vanilla essence to taste.

Pour the blancmange into a wetted jelly mould or bowl. Cover and leave to cool. Chill for at least 2 hours, and then unmould to serve.

There are many variations of the Blanc Manger recipe. Some call for gelatin, while others require fish skin... o_< I've found this is one of the simplest methods, with good results. This is great if you love custards and soft puddings without a very strong flavor.
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