Complicated as Love

Oct 10, 2008 12:15

Fanfic: Complicated as Love
Music inspired: Everytime we touch, slow version (Cascada), Jet Airliner (Modern Talking), Thunder (East 17)
Genre: Shounen-ai/yaoi
Pairing: Ichigo x Keigo
Rating: NC-17/M because of later chapters
Warning: Graphic citrus (lemon and lime) in later chapters.
Summary: Puberty is hard, isn’t it? More then when you’re a substitute shinigami trying to save the world and an unsure boy who thinks his beloved doesn’t care. Find out how Ichigo and Keigo cope with the complicated thing called Love.
Disclaimer: I do not own Bleach. If I would own Bleach, we would see: Yumichika and Ikkaku "showing their love", Ukitakes and Shunsuis bankai, a fight between Gin and Kira and Yamamoto by Aizen. And some shounen-ai pairs would out themselves. Seeing that none of this happens, I assume I really don't own Bleach. Maybe in my imagination, but that doesn't count, does it?

Chapter 4 "Keeping secrets"

Music for this chapter: Everytime we touch, slow version
Chapter Rating: PG-13

Summary: Ichigo felt at complete loss. Seeing this energetic, and always happy-go-lucky boy so lost and unsure...he didn’t know how to deal with it.
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