Sep 19, 2006 15:46

What else is new?~

Your friendly mod here with some IchiKei that I finished~

Please, Don't Add Your Own Soundtrack
word count: 1012
rating: NC-17 :x
warnings: I guess it's considered exhibitionism because they're .. doing stuff in public~
pairings: IchiKei~
summary: This is too long to be a drabble, but I think it's too short to be really called a fanfic.. but.. wutev. Ichigo and Keigo go see a movie. ;x

Ichigo never liked public areas. Never liked dealing with people. But, by some force of nature, he found himself being dragged to the most irritating place he could think of besides school: a movie theatre. And, ironically, the dragger just happened to be the most irritating person he could think of besides his father: Asano Keigo.

It was here the seeds of evil were sown, so to speak. There, in that damn squishy fold-up seat, in that dark theatre, in the near-back, was where he committed an act so shameful, so crass, so inappropriate, just thinking about it made him feel uncomfortable, as if the passers by could read his mind or just had some innate inclination as to what it was he did.

In terms of private activities, Ichigo was a little slow on the uptake, or rather, he just didn't think of things of that nature on a regular basis. He was far more inclined to matters that required his strength rather than to matters of heart or ... in this case, other parts of his body. That wasn't to say he never did anything, alone, in the darkness of his room, while everyone else was asleep. But, that was a bit different. Mostly due to the fact he was not alone at that moment and it wasn't his own erection he was pumping, but rather the one that belonged to his friend.

He made the best noises, he somehow deducted from no previous experience whatsoever. They weren't typical of what one might expect from him; soft, airy moans that sounded almost tender were what escaped his friend's lips as his calloused fingers moved awkwardly up and down his length. It was a hard angle to be working from, given that any previous incident that involved a penis and his hand was taken care of on his own person and in private rather than on the body of a friend in public. It was a good thing he seemed to realize this. He seemed to be adjusting his moaning to silence at appropriate times; just when the action on the film was dying down or pausing he would bite on his lip, choking on a groan as he was mercilessly stroked without pause, further proving Ichigo's inexperience and ignorance in matters of public handjob etiquette.

Sooner or later, that hand would grow tired and that mouth would become more willing to accommodate in some form or another, mind reeling back and forth between matters of being discovered and the consequences therein and the thrill of risking it all. In the end, it was made obvious that Ichigo was used to taking risks and perhaps even preferred them.

Warm and wet, yet still charmingly awkward as those whispered warnings fell on deaf ears, pink tongue feeling over that foreign area of flesh, tasting his friend in a matter he had yet to experience before. He had been right in guessing that it would be a rush; whispers from ushers a mere five rows down seemed to be deafeningly loud as he crouched between Keigo's thin legs and allowed his mouth and jaw to work appropriately in order to achieve the desired effect. What was that, anyway? He didn't even know as he dumbly ran his tongue down the other's length, mind flitting to and fro at even the slightest sound that might have hinted at discovery.

Keigo's chest seemed to be rising and falling much quicker now that Ichigo was getting used to feeling something so awkward in his mouth and resisting the urge to bite down on it. Slender fingers found their way into that orange hair, flexing and relaxing at irregular intervals, resulting in an odd massage-like feeling to his scalp. It was steady for a while until Ichigo wondered what it might do if he stroked whatever he couldn't fit into his mouth with his fingers, in which case apparently caused Keigo to jerk almost violently into his mouth and damn near pull his hair out. Those soft, well-timed moans soon lost their regularity and even interjected into the occasional silences in the movie, making for a few turned heads and whispered questions.

It wouldn't matter for long, he was certain. The way his lithe stomach was flexing, the way his hands gripped at his hair, the way his thighs twitched.. it was going to happen soon. Ichigo hadn't actually thought about that part until that actual moment in time that it happened. He didn't know what the proper response was to feeling that thick liquid surge into his mouth other than to either swallow it or spit it out. A hand would fall to the sticky floor he crouched on, throat working as he found that most of it forced its way down there anyway, so what was the point in fighting it? Eyes shut tightly as he swallowed the seed of his friend, sucking roughly on his head as an after thought. Pulling away and slipping to one side, he slinked back into his seat as nicely as you please, wiping away excess saliva and semen with the back of his hand as unceremoniously as one might expect from No-Nonsense-Ichigo.

Brown eyes fixated upon the near-invisible floor for a moment, trying to process what it was he had done. Rather, not what the act literally was, but what him doing said act actually made him.

A quiet, content chuckle cut through his thoughts abruptly, giving him something of an answer, "You're my best friend, Ichigo~"

"..." Ichigo supposed that summed it up pretty well. Smirking, he would lean back in the plush seat, saying nothing more than, "That's two you owe me, Keigo."

"Ne, you know I'll pay you back.." His annoyance leaned in to seemingly nuzzle his cheek, though it ended up being more of a nudge than anything. His thought was finished with a heated whisper, "..with interest."

Needless to say, the movie did quite well in their own personal box office that week. And neither of them even knew what it was about.


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