Feb 12, 2007 07:55
So, went swimming yesterday, at the "family swim". It was fun, except that there were too many people. We're going to try going in the early morning adults only lap swim, that should be better. I think I might get a monofin (like two swim fins...but one!) I've wanted one since I've been into dolphins, but they used to cost around 200 bucks, but now they are more popular, they can be found for 50 bucks, and perhaps I can find one even cheaper on ebay.
I look forward to knitting circle every Thursday night...doesn't seem like something I'd like, but it's fun hanging out and talking to people. That's how I found out about the pool. They also love the things I make from clay; Fay said she'd buy some skunks from me.
Can't wait until summer. Hopefully we'll be out of Maine before NEXT fall...feels like we'll be here forever.
Sold the car for 400 bucks; I think we could have gotten more for it, but 400's okay.
I've gotten a lot of cleaning done lately; got a lot of stuff sorted and such; the rooms are looking pretty good.
Anyone want to do something some time? Rollerskating, or bowling?