Okay, I finally willing to share OPENLY because I got my Ronin Pop Original Soundtrack already. Why I didn't share openly before, it's because I got these mp3s from my friend in Japan and I don't want to leech her. I don't make friend because I want to take advantages from everyone, never. So I decided to order mine, spent all my money for buying 'Watch Out' Japanese album to buy this album (it took 2x higher than normal price) so I can take all the blame now. ^-^
As I said before in EC, they are all INSTRUMENTAL. You wish for ZE:A's song? Well it's only 'Invincible' & Man2Man AR REMIX (I don't hear any difference though). But for a movie, music & game lover like me, these kinds of OST are interesting. Each of the songs tell about the movie.
Here is the tracklist:
1. Invincible
2. deracine
3. deracine(ハラヘリヘリハラ/Heraheriherihera)
4. BoccoBoco
5. accent!?
6. deracine(short)
7. ジャッキー、ケンチャナ?(Jackie, gwaenchana?/Jackie, are you okay?)
8. Go FlyingSnake Go 1
10. ハッとして!Chu?(Ha,toshite!Chu?/Startled! Kiss?)
11. versus1
12. deracine(そんなトニーにチャムカンマン/Sonna Tony ni Chamkanman/Wait a minute for that Tony)
13. 祈り(Inori/Pray)
14. Honesty 1
16. Go FlyingSnake Go 2
17. 紫蛇のテーマ(Who are you?)(Purple Serpent's Theme/Who are you?)
18. inner space 1. versus 1
19. シコシコトニー
20. Mad Dragon Time
21. 黄昏 (Tasogare/Twilight)
22. gambit
23. Honesty 2
24. Alea jacta est
1. versus 1
2. 蛇の道は蛇 (Hebi michi wa hebi/Snake's way is snake)
3. 逆襲の龍 (Gyakushuu no Ryuu/Dragon's counterattack)
4. 二龍ここに散る (Niryuu koko ni chiru/Two Dragons Fall Here)
5. Ape vs Alex
6. 闇へ (Yami e/ To the dark)
7. 四面楚歌 (Shimensouka/Surrounded by enemies)
8. 男達のプライド (Otokotachi no Pride/The pride of men)
9. 静かなる闘志 (Shizuka naru toushi/ Fighting spirit becomes silent)
10. 紫蛇のテーマ (Murasaki Hebi no Theme/Purple Serpent's theme)
11. クライマックスじゃん!(Climax Jan!/Is it a climax!)
12. requiem for a justice
13. deracine(終幕)(Shuumaku/End)
14. Man 2 Man MIX AR
15. Here we go!
Please do not re-upload and instead, just link back here ^^ I'm not asking you to appreciate me but please show some respect. I don't want to lose the trust I got from my friends and I don't want to upset Japanese fans (especially the Japanese, who bought) and bring trouble for us.
Please buy if you are able to. This album will be released worldwide in September. You can order through YesAsia.
Thanks. ^^