MotM Update

Apr 16, 2007 16:45

Couple of random MotM notes:
I made a logs LJ at:

It's a temporary thing until I get around to coding up a better alternative, but now people that keep asking me to give them a log can just go there to get them! Since the LJ page is just a temporary solution, I don't pretty up the health meters or anything, but I do clean out the OOC stuff. Toying around with LJ for log hosting has given me ideas for my own implementation, at least.

MotM had a change in policy with regards to 'First Characters as OC Fighters' today. I won't bother quoting the BBoard post that explains/announces it, but in brief, it's possible to go straight to applying for a OC fighter even if you never had a feature character before. This is good, because honestly, looking over the 'avail' lists (An in-game tool to see what FCs are available to apply for), it's coming down to some pretty thin pickings these days. Either the game was going to have to reach a theme-enforced max capacity, or some kind of compromise was going to have to be reached. It looks like they went for the compromise.

There's some extra steps involved with applying this way, so if interested, make sure to log in and read +bbread 1/113 for the details. Idly, I wonder if some FCs people have taken just to bide their time until eligible to app OCs are going to get dropped all the sudden. :)

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