Jun 21, 2010 18:54
You know what I hate? Sexuality. Well, the labels, at least. Nah, mostly everything. I wish that instead of hating people for who they are, people could love everyone because of their differences. In fact, I wish that everybody was at least bisexual. The world would be a bit more tolerable, I think.
And then there's me. I don't know whether to call myself bisexual or pansexual. Pansexuals are able to love any one, no matter what of the many genders the other person identifies as. They also care more for personality or intelligence, or any other thing not having to do with physical gender. I, personally, like people for their personalities, and don't care what gender they are. I'm not sure if I can call myself pansexual, though, because I've never fallen for anyone who didn't classify themselves as a boy or girl. If I've never experienced that, can I truly call myself pansexual based only on my feelings?
And then there are those who think people my age aren't serious about their sexuality. They think that because I am young that I claim to like the same sex because it's popular, or in, right now. They think that hormones make it easy for teens to claim bisexuality, or anything of the like. It's not easy, when you really mean what you say, or feel. It's not easy being different, and not only because there are people who hate. It's hard because there are people who don't believe you when you are being honest.
So if I could do away with labels completely and love whomever I wish without being hated or disbelieved, then I would be happy. Idealism is a bittersweet thing.