Jul 21, 2007 23:23

So, I don't have anything at all to show you today, however, if you're feeling bored you can go look at my DA, I made a picture in MSPaint!
Just under 24 hours ago I bought Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, the last installment of the Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling.
Just under one hour ago I finished Harry Potterand the Deathly Hallows, the last installment of the Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling.
However, I accidentally fell asleep for four hours, so I'm taking those off of my time, and declaring I finished at 6:30 instead of 10:30. Because, the whole -fell asleep- thing wasn't even supposed to happen. I was all, let me just rest for like...5 minutes. And then it was 8 in the morning and I was like CRAP!
Also, if you don't read Harry Potter, I say go and buy the rest of the series just so you can read this book.
Spoilers under cut.

WOW, never has a book made me cry so much. The three times I remember crying most:Hediwg's death, Dobby's death, and Fred's death. I hardcore bawled when Fred died. Like, HARDCORE. I had to hold the book away so that I wouldn't get tear stains on the pages.
Also, that whole thing about Harry being a horcrux. Had that pegged.
Also, that whole thing about how Harry was going to have to die so that Voldemort would die. Pegged that too.
However, I am currently only counting that second thing as a half triumph on my part, because Rowling threw the whole thing about Harry's blood into the mix, which I totally didn't bring into account.
And, btw, this book was on the 7th grade summer reading list.
I would be TRAUMATIZED if I read this as a seventh grader! So much death, and blood, and death, and DEATH and blood, and angst, and death and blood and WOAH.
Though, had this book come out when I was in 7th grade, I would have read it...so I guess I shouldn't be saying anything on that matter. Hehehe.
Percy-So glad he came around.
LUPIN AND TONKS-SO NOT FAIR THAT THEY DIED! That's like, against the rules, J.K. ROWLING. -sniffle-
And, Fred. OMG, Fred. I LOVED HIM SO MUCH! -sniff-
The ear jokes at the beginning by him and George were excellent, haha.
I can't wait til this gets animated for one reason, and one reason alone.
I could care less about seeing the action scenes, voldemort die, whatever. All that pales in comparison to DOBBY.
He played a pretty crucial role here, and now the film people are going to be like, well...crap.

OH! Neville and the sword of Gryffindor...How the crap did he get a hold of that? -no idea- Did I just hardcore miss something?
Ok, enough spoilers.

Pretty much, my last 24 hours went like this.
1 AM- *drinks soda and reads until 4*
4 AM- *unknowingly passes out while using deathly hallows as a pillow*
8 AM- I woke up needing to pee, but then realized I fell asleep reading, and continue on.
8:30 AM- My like, 20th bathroom break since 1 AM. I guess reading makes me have to go potty or something...
10:30 AM- To my annoyance, my friend calls so we can schedule driving hours. Though, I suppose it was a good thing because had she not called, I would not have left my room, and would not have eaten breakfast.
11 AM- *takes water and pop-tart to bedroom*
12 PM- The family decides that barging in my room while the door is shut every five minutes is their new hobby, and I get thoroughly distracted and yell at them to leave me alone, the head up to my bampy's to mow his lawn, and I go read on the deck. I awkwardly make myself a sandwhich and eat it whilst reading as well.
2 PM- Family returns and pester me on the deck. "Are you done yet?" "Are you just going to read that all day?" I tried the ignore them and they'll leave you alone method, it didn't work, so I went to my room.
5 PM- The family decides to return to their favorite pastime of barging into my room unannounced, and since nobody is on the deck, I go back out there.
6 PM- Mom feeds me ice cream because I haven't really eaten all day.
8 PM- Realized it was dark, came inside.
8:30 PM- I discover that my younger sibling is obnoxious and needs to have the volume turned up ALL THE WAY, so I go back up to my room.
9:30 PM- She barges into my room and decides to peer obnoxiously at my manga shelf whilst talking to me. I yell at her, and she leaves.
2 Seconds Later- Mom comes in and stares at me, notes that I look awfully uncomfortable using my dresser and floor as an awkward chair, and then leaves.

I should go sleep now.
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