You know that lovely photo album section where I can download all my cell phone pix and add descriptions and titles and edit? Yeah...Re-arranging all my pictures randomly on me was so not cool of you. I can't even fix it because you are now unweildy and unmanageable. And the ability to link to the pictures? Where did *that* go? Gone? Fabulous. So all my links are now broken. Thanks ever so much. I don't talk on the phone much or even text much, but I take enough pictures to need to organize, back up and then delete on a regular basis, so my phone is generally a glorified instamatic camera. The one feature I actually use is the one you choose to take away from me? Bad timing you. I have the opportunity to get the same phone services and better text/picture msg services for about half the cost and my contractural obligation to you has been up for some time now, so, really not a good time for you to be lame and useless. And I have gotten a flickr account....and flickr is far more user friendly than you are. We may have to call it quits if you don't have a truely amazing phone for me to upgrade to when I go to a local store to check them out. One with bluetooth and the ability to link to my computer so I can make my own flippin ringtones that aren't weird edits of songs.
---End of whine--
CaKES! :D I'll upload the older ones here later..
Tell me if the link doesn't work...I'm not sure how this works