and, oh, the way your make up stains my pillowcase

Nov 18, 2007 15:45

Okay, so I was whoring over NaNo earlier, gathering Nutcracker info because of my Ryden thing that I have going (and yes,
hopefulgenius, I plan on beginning it in about ten minutes or so) when I stumbled upon a thread that questioned the realism of the girl's love story. She wanted to know if four days was enough time for two sixteen year olds on a quest together to develop feelings toward one another.

This guy's answer made me fall absolutely head over heels for the brutal honesty (and there you have it, the answer to her question!):

"So, you have two sixteen year olds, traveling alone, in each other's company constantly for 3-4 days? and you're wondering how to get them together?


Let's see, how do I put this gently? First, let me apologize ahead of time if this upsets you, truly it isn't my intention to just be provocative.

Have you seen the movie "When Harry met Sally"? Similar concept - two adolescents sharing a ride across country during a school holiday. I think Billy Crystal's character (Harry) put it well. To paraphrase; if she's a girl, his first thought is "how do I get into her panties?" If that didn't happen in the first five minutes, either 1. she's a toad, and it took ten minutes for the thought to cross his mind, OR 2. He's gay. That's it. Unless this is some alternative universe thing you forgot to mention. Any male who tells you different is either your father or someone trying to get into your knickers (assuming you're female, if you're male and asking these questions, something has gone terribly wrong in the space-time continuum)

From her point of view, And this is wild conjecture on my part, being male, she will have decided within those same first five minutes whether the boy is going to get lucky or not, how many hoops he will have to jump through, and whether she will insist he wear a viking helmet and a raincoat (trust me, if that's a requirement, your book can be about the quest - he will go).

As for the concept of "love" in any form except the euphemism for sex, I don't think adolescents are hard-wired for it. Much like children under the age of seven have no real concept of "truth" and "lie". They just aren't capable yet. Boys play at intimacy for obtain sex and girls play at sex to obtain intimacy.

Hint: his hints of protectiveness at this point are not love, they are a callback to primate ancestry. He is establishing himself as the alpha male. he will become increasingly prone to violence in defense of his position as he feels it threatened (go to a party and watch)

Biology is, as they say, biology, and physiology is physiology.

I hope this helps. Really I do."
This guy's honesty had me laughing my ass off. XD;;;;;

nano, honesty, journal whoring, nanowrimo, realism, love

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