Major PMS on the Loose

Nov 12, 2007 19:21

Okay, how is it that I've never in my life gotten cramps before, I tell my friends, that time of the month (or every other month, in my case) comes around and suddenly I have THE CRAMP MONSTER FROM HELL occupying my lower abdominal region? This is some sort of curse or jinx or something, I don't know. And I make a point of not taking medication (even vitamins) for any reason, so I can't even take some Midol or Motrin and veg out.

Fuck it. Just fuck it all.

On another note, Fang, I'm in love with you. And I'm so PISSED at you right now, you'd better be glad you're stuck in Maximum Ride and not in front of me. Because first I would snuggle you and then I WOULD BASH YOUR BRAINS AGAINST A WALL.

Also, bandom = love.

fang, pms, bandom, cramps, medicine, maximum ride

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