May 23, 2010 15:19
Ohh, Lost. I used to...not make fun of, but sort of chuckle at my friends who needed to put everything on hold when it was on; who would rush home to catch a television show because you absolutely couldn't miss a single minute of it. I watched an episode here and there with friends and just totally didn't get it, because you really can't get what's going on unless you've seen nearly all of what came before. Sometimes you still won't get what's going on, but that's probably intentional.
Now it's the series finale tonight, and I'm just as bad as the people I used to think were a little nutty for getting so excited about a tv show. The writers are really mean and prolong answers and satisfaction for a really, really long time. I'm kind of glad that my mom and I just blazed through the first 5 seasons on DVD because honestly I would have been really stressed having to wait two weeks for each episode's cliffhanger. A lot of the show had two threads of story going on at the same time, and they'd alternate each episode so if something crazy happened at the end, you'd have to wait until next-next week to actually see how it turned out, if they showed it at all. ahhh!
All of us fans are a little wary that the 2.5 hour series finale isn't going to address all of our questions and concerns. There is just SO much stuff going on right now and I feel like they spent too much time on these opposing supernatural beings on the island, and this reductive good vs evil plotline. Hopefully they don't just spend the majority of time on that part because I feel it's the least interesting. They killed off a LOT of people this season and it was really pretty upsetting because most of their deaths were just...kind of contrived to get the characters out of the picture. I won't go into detail but some of it was like "wtf?"
I'm sad that it's ending at all though. It was the best show I've ever spent time watching, and I doubt there will be anything comparable for a long time on television. I decided to get on the Doctor Who wagon, especially since the new guy is really cute, and True Blood and Dexter will be coming back. But they're definitely nothing like LOST. I will miss it.