
Jun 06, 2011 14:10

 Hontou gomenasai for disappearing this last two days. >__< I was busy watching Tantei Gakuen Q! :DDD

I don't know what happened but the drama topped Sensei Wa Erai and Scrap Teacher even though both of them have Dai-chan. O.O

Boooh, Dai-chan. I think Ryosuke's trying to get his former position....
Ryo: told you I'll beat you someday and claim my throne back! NYAHAHAHAHAHAH.

I'm weird like that. lolololol. but seriously. RYO-CHAN SO KAWAIIIII. <3
See, when I started to be a fan of Hey! Say! JUMP (which is about more than a month ago? wow.) my ichiban was Ryo-chan. Over a few weeks, Daiki stole the 'throne' XD

Now I think its a draw. XD

What other dramas should I watch other than Sensei Wa Erai, Scrap Teacher, Tantei Gakuen Q and Hidarime Tantei EYE? :D
p/s: can't wait for Hika's You're Beautiful! or is it just a mere rumour? O.O
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