Title: If You Seek Amy
Author: Aoki Reiko (
Pairing: Keito/Daiki
Rating: NC-15 for sexual innuendo
Type: Drabble
Genre: Crack, Failed!Humour, Just plain C.R.A.P
A/N: This is unintentionally for the
Hey!Say!JUMP Rare!Pairing Challenge! This is also the first fanfiction that I post up in a community. Usually I don't have the guts. So I hope you'll find this okay. :S
This is also the first slash fic I've written.
Random thing that popped in my mind when I was assigned with the pairing: Our English Boy Sexy Hunk Guy, Keito with our I-love-listening-to-English-Songs, Daiki.
Warning: This is such a fail...
Disclaimer: Inspired by a part of a Seohyun/Yonghwa fic. [which I fail to recall back the name. /getskilled] If any of you have miraculously found the said fic, tell me so I can edit this and give proper credit. I'm currently relying on my crappy memory. But other than the plot, the whole thing is mine. Yes, Keito and Daiki too (because they are both my biases and I don't care. NYAHAHAH)
Summary: How Keito reacted when he heard Daiki singing Britney's song.
... But all of the boys and all of the girls are begging to if you seek amy.
Keito coughed a little, hoping that Daiki wouldn't notice the slight tinge of blush across his face. Daiki stopped his singing and stared at Keito in confusion.
Keito tried to keep his cool and decided to just go along with it.
"Cool song." Daiki beamed when he heard it from Keito.
"Thanks! One of my friends sent it to me. They were laughing and goofing about it but I don't see their point. It's quite catchy."
Keito hid a smile, well at least his friends know what they're listening to.
"It's catchy, deshou? But I doubt you'd want to listen or sing it ever again."
"Eh? Nande?" Keito smirked and took a paper and pen nearby and sat nearer to Daiki.
Keito started to write out the title of the song on the piece of paper.
If You Seek Amy.
Daiki raises an eyebrow. "That's the name of the song right?"
Keito hid another smile and just continued.
He changes the You into a U.
If U Seek Amy.
And cancels off the I.
f U Seek Amy.
He then rubs the 'Seek' and seperates the See from the K.
f U See K Amy.
Keito then stopped what he was doing and stared with amusement at Daiki's face. He'd just let the older figure out the rest. He's got a feeling that Daiki would know what it meant.
Daiki was still staring at the paper, his mouth slightly moving as he tried to to put one on one. Keito was trying hard not to laugh when he finally saw Daiki's face changing colour when realisation finally dawns on him.
Keito couldn't help it. He laughed at Daiki who was very red in the face.
Ahh... The pros and cons of listening to a song with a language you barely know~
Keito then put a hand on Daiki's thigh and leans in to whisper, "So how about it, eh, love? Wanna make sure that you really
understood what it meant?"
Thanks for reading! :)