the power of my red nails! - Mnet Concert Live in Bangkok! Chansung's Heart <3 (fan account 4)

Nov 18, 2010 18:05

Because My friends and I had to look for the boys' parents again in my previous fan account, we left Central Plaza a little before 5pm. We reached Impact around 5pm. Ann had to park at the Impact Challenger complex so we had to walk fast... correction... run towards Impact Arena because the fans may have started to enter the venue already.
We were all looking for Sora coz she and her friend were in cue already. We found them just in time coz they were about to enter. They were the first ones in cue and they let me enter the venue first. Since we were the first ones to enter the venue, we immediately placed our bags before the barricades so we were like on the "first row" and the distance between me and the stage was like less than a meter!!! See, for TVXQ concerts I've been to in Bangkok, I never went Standing. I always chose the seated area because I've always thought that Standing Area would be just hell with all the fans pushing around wanting to get close to the stage.

It was still pretty early so we just sat down at the floor. The usual MVs of Beast, 4Minute, Wonder Girls and 2PM were playing at the venue before the concert. Everyone was screaming whenever their favorite kpop group's video is playing like it's their first time to see it LOL. There was this B2TY on the other side who was screaming soooo much it's like she's under the stage coz we can really hear her!

The concert started around 6:30? It started with Beast. I don't really know their songs except for Shock and Mystery so I pretty much was not aware of what songs they sang. There was a song when Kikwang and Hyun Seung? were at the middle where I was. Kikwang was wearing this super low neck "shirt" then Hyun Seung was wearing a see through shirt and he stood right on front of me and did body waves! Like for me it was soooooooooo wrong and awkward to see him do bodywaves infront of me with a see-through shirt plus he was staring down at me while doing it! awkward MUCH! like, hey kid! stop doing that in front of me! (how young is he anyway? haha!) And then Doojoon came up to my side. He was looking all cool. If it was my first time to see Doojoon, my impression on him would be he is a cool guy. BUT sorry baby! haha! the first time I saw you in the Philippines in Payatas, you were all acting cute when u stood next to my friend Jeska and when you were talking to us! haha! So back to the concert, Doojoon went to my side, stood in front of me and GRABBED MY HAND. I'm like, WTF is happening?! Now everyone around me was pushing so they can see Doojoon closer then he went back. It's actually my first time to see Beast except for Doojoon. haha! just because I didn't bother going to their fansign and concert here in Manila.

Next was 4Minute. I must admit, I do love their songs and Jiyeon will always be my favorite 4Minute girl eversince I met her back in Manila. haha! She actually gave an air kiss to the kid next to me at the concert while singing "What a Girl Wants". Since I love their songs, I was dancing all the way while they were performing. Hyunah was hotter back in Manila when she had blonde hair though compared to her dark hair in the concert. She had nice boots though and it was a Louboutin! hehee

Next was my favorite girl group! Wonder Girls ^^. They started singing "Tell Me". On the te-te-te-te-tell me part, they turned off the music so it's the fans' turn to sing. I actually applaud the Wonderfuls because you can really feel their entire presence at the venue! The girls sang So Hot, Irony, 이 바보 (This Fool), Nobody, This Time, Bad Boy, 2 Different Tears (english version)and this one song that I don't know the title lol. For the song "This Time", Yeun picked the girl beside me to go on stage! She grabbed her hand then the security tried to pull her up, but she was really big so she gave up coz the security couldn't really pull her up then she told Yeun to just pick a different fan. Yeun was like pouting and "awwwwww whyyy?" then she just went to the other side. The girls took fans to sing with them on stage for that song and then meet everyone backstage! My favorite Wondergirls performance is the rock version of 2 Different Tears! My God!!!! Yoobin was smokinnnn HOT! like woah! and she's soooooooooo pretty! augh! No wonder he loves her :P I love love love love love love Yeun's sparkly shoes! Not sure if it was a Louboutin or could be a Jimmy Choo. How the hell can these girls dance in such high-heeled shoes?

Last but not the least was 2PM. HOTNESS. They started with Don't Stop, Can't Stop. I was screaming with the fans on the "so we don't stop" 2!!!!!! "and we can't stop" P!!!!!! "until we reach the top" M! LOL Taec was such a tease because he lifted his shirt up to show off his body! I didn't have any fancams for this unlike the fanmeet because as I was almost sticking to the stage, I was afraid I might suddenly let go of my phone once the pushing yeah... They sang I’ll be back, I can’t, Risking my life, Only you, Angel, 10 points out of 10, Don’t stop can’t stop, Without U, Gimme the Light, Tired of Waiting, I hate you, Again & Again, and Hearbeat!! For DSCS, I'll Be Back, Again and Again, and Heartbeat, they performed it on the front stage. For Tired of Waiting, they performed it at the front stage too while sitting down.

"I Can't" was just LOOOOOOOOOOOVE <3 it's their first time to perform it on an mnet concert as they didn't perform it on their previous Mnet Concerts. It was sooooooooo good to hear it live... although... Junho missed a tune though haha! And my god! Taec kissed a fans hand on the other side! SO UNFAIR!!!!!!! haha! When the boys performed 10/10, they started walking towards where I was. Taec passed by me so obviously I was screaming TAEC! TAEC!!! then he didn't even bothered to stop or look at me! Junho was behind him, he looked at me, stopped in front of me, turned around then wiggled his butt! WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT JUNHO? NAUGHTY JUNHO! for Jay's rap part for 10/10, the Wondergirls went out and one of them was the one rapping. It wasn't Yoobin though... i think? anyway, so for the LaLaLaLa pretty baby part, the Wondergirls were dancing with 2PM. Too Bad Yoobin wasn't Taec's partner, Taec didn't have a partner (*ehem*cozididn'tgoupthestage*ehem*).

<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Highlight of my night is when 2PM performed Only You!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 2PM grabbed these baskets at the side of the stage and it was filled up with roses and heart marshmallow lollipops! While singing Only You, the boys were running around giving away the roses and heart lollipops to the fans. I was panicking coz I wanted OK TAECYEON to go to my side and give me a rose or a lollipop. Taec went to the middle walkway where I was but effff! he was facing the other side and gave away the roses and lollipops on the other side!!!! At that moment I'm all OMFG I HATE U TAEC! WHY WONT U BOTHER GOING TO MY SIDE?! And then, I didn't really noticed at first that Chansung was the one on my area coz I was looking at Taec who had his back on me! Then Chansung stopped in front of me and then CHANSUNG GAVE ME HIS HEART LOLLIPOP MARSHMALLOW!!!!!!!!! OMFGGGGGGGG! YES!!!!!!!! YOU READ IT RIGHT!!!! CHANSUNG GAVE ME HIS HEART LOLLIPOP MARSHMALLOW! I know!!! I can die happily now right? Chansung was like my number 2 favorite 2PM member! but with that, him choosing me? hahaha! I was actually with a bunch of Chansung fans and all of them were holding a Chansung lightstick and wore Purple ribbons-apparently purple ribbons is considered as a Chansung fan trademark. Come to think about it, the dress that I wore was predominantly purple though! hahaha! I was the only one holding an orange OK Taecyeon lightstick though while everyone around me had Chansung purple lighsticks. Amidst all the excitement from Chansung's heart, I still caught Khunnie and Junsu singing off key for Only You! HAHA! love yah Khun!

Chansung's Heart <3

After Only You, the boys performed Angel with WINGS! haha! it was sooooo adorable and funny. So then they sang Tired of Waiting and I Can't. For their talking parts, Coco and Vanilla (TaecKhun) lovers are pleased. LOL those two were sweet! GAWD! Khun would hand Taec his towel and water. LOL and no, I am not a fan of any 2PM pairings! just no! When they sang Risking My Life, I was surprised that the first part was Taec! No, I wasn't surprised, I was shocked!!!! Because his his voice was good! HAHAHAHA! I've always thought it was Chansung's part.

After that, they went backstage to change into white suits. They sang Gimme The Light. This time, Taec stayed at my side, stood in front of me for like an entire stanza of the song. There he was! Ok Taecyeon in all his glory! He's such a giant! I was eyeing him all over... and i mean ALL OVER! LOL! Since Taec was really tall, it was really hard to just stare at his face coz he was too high! There were times when I needed to look down... his shoulders and somewhere lower... up to his shoes! He was wearing white pants too though. One word, Taecyeon is really BIG :P HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! They didn't have interactions with the fans for Gimme The Light because it was a sad song. haha! Their finale was Heartbeat. They had a special dance ending for it. I was expecting for Taec to rip off his pants... i mean his shirt for the finale but he didn't!!!!!!

The concert ended around 10pm. They had the after party at Impact then Beast and 2PM left for their 1am flight. Khun and Chansung was left though... not really sure with that. Anyway, after the concert, my friends and I had dinner and ate Tom Yum Goong!!!!!!! It's actually my favorite Thai dish, along with the red rubies dessert. Everytime I visit Thailand, I always eat that dish! haha!

I should have gone with Maymay though, coz she said she, Nat and Ann were going to the airport to send Beast off. We didn't now at that time that 2PM was gonna be on the same flight too so I didn't bother to join them at the airport, if I only knew! haha!

My fan account doesn't end here. There's still one more. it's gonna be about what happened the morning after the concert at the hotel ^^

chansung, 2pm

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