
May 26, 2004 21:07

.... i'm updating.. like diana wants me too..................... courtney! i gonna get you A GOOD BIRTHDAY PRESENT!! =) =)

i h8 being softball captain !! =( Olson made me be captain grr.. *our team's pretty good tho lol*

on monday i went to de dentist in the morning. omigod.. my teeth hella hurts... even right now! de orthadontists put braces on my very back teeth that just grew out. KUSO! it hella hurts~!!! the glue tastes yuky too. >:O

i wanna go to kunokuniya! yuli  u haf to buy me sumthing next time you go there =)

midsummer night's dream video is soo hella . botelio sed it wus PG but i think it shuld be rated
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