Title: The Gentleman's Curiosity
Pairing: -slight- SaNa
Rating: K
Warnings: Sanji is slightly a creeper. xD
Note: Inspired by the song Sweet Tangerine.
Watching a woman sleep like a stalker was not Sanji’s usual style. He would scold any man who stared at a woman with lewd eyes as she innocently slept. Not only was it a violation of privacy, but if the woman didn’t want said man to come close to her, then the habit could be considered criminal. And Sanji did not approve of criminals.
Still, Sanji had given in to his curiosity when he realized the latch to Nami’s room had been left open.
He had been in the room quite a few times. It wasn’t as if Nami kept it off limits, but he often didn’t invade her privacy, as a gentleman. That open latch had been an invitation and an oddity, as Nami nearly kept it shut at all times. Sanji had just peeked into the room to ensure his Nami-swan was alright, and upon realizing she was fast asleep, he had made a decision he normally thought was wrong.
Of course, Nami had fallen asleep when working on her maps, and being the gentleman he was, Sanji had quietly moved her to the couch. He vowed to leave the room when she was settled. But the sight of her sleeping face hypnotized him, prevented his feet from moving.
He continued to stare, he lost track of time as she slept. Eventually, her voice snatched him from his hypnotized state. She whispered slightly as she shifted, something along the lines of making maps and scolding Luffy for touching her tangerines, then turned her back towards Sanji and settled again.
Sanji chuckled and realized that he was also growing tired, and the kitchen still needed to be cleaned. Standing, he didn’t realize he had sat down, Sanji touched the top of Nami’s head and paused, as if expecting a response. He received silence, which he smirked at as he left the room.