OOC} Relationships

Jul 23, 2018 19:48

Very much so a work in progress.  I wish to put everyone Hina's talked to on here (Oh boy, I'm in for it),  so if you've talked to her,  and I haven't put you here,  please comment and hit me : D <3



Yuuri-- Hina's favorite person in Purg.  She loves him almost as much as Father,  and secretly thinks that he'd be a way better father than Father is.  Wouldn't say it out loud because if her sisters showed up they'd beat the crap out of her.
Wolfram-- Another one of Hina's favorite people in Purg,  just because he takes care of her.
Makubex-- Hina's former employer.  HinaIchigo likes Makubex very much, and thinks he's one of the smartest people in the world
Mello-- A scary person, who doesn't want a doll for a friend.
Jun--Canon-  Shinku's Medium,  HinaIchigo thinks he's kind of scary,  but can be sort of nice at the same time.  She misses him.
Setsuna-- One of Yin's friends, or something, HinaIchigo doesn't really get it.  HinaIchigo told him about her wonderful family and how they kill each other to meet their father : D
Cyrus--  A scary man,  who took HinaIchigo apart, though it was probably her own fault.  She wibbles whenever she sees him.
Kyo--  A nice boy who Hina talked to when she first showed up, she attempted to give him advice about nightmares, and talked to him about being locked in her case : D
Edward--  Another nice boy,  who Hina started talking to on Fathers day.  She likes him a bit,  but probably will never get to be better friends with him because of Wrath. 
Wrath-- ...Hina and him might have really been okay,  but she decided to call his mommies "stupid",  because he said he wouldn't share them.  Their still going on in a very childish, imature argument about it.

Yin-- Hina's favorite female friend,  HinaIchigo idolizes Yin,  even if Yin doesn't have the ability to show emotion.  Hina loves Yin like she loves her sisters,  maybe even more so because Yin's never hurt Hina.
Lena-- One of Hina's good female friends,  HinaIchigo see's Lena as being similar to Tomoe,  even though the only thing that's identical is the age,  and how they both acted more mature than their age.  She also sees Lena as a sister figure.
Tomoe--Canon-  Hina's favorite person anywhere.  Tomoe is a middle-school aged girl who excelled at everything she did.  She was also HinaIchigo's medium.  The time they spent together was the happiest time in Hina's life,  and HinaIchigo almost willingly gave up her life for Tomoe.  She'll talk about Tomoe to whoever will listen for more than five seconds,  and would get extremely offended if anyone ever dare say a bad word about her. 
Anemone-- A scary girl who wants to kick her out a window, or something like that.
Nill--  A nice girl,  who Hina likes a lot.  Except for,  Nill likes scary people, which makes HinaIchigo wibble.
Orihime-- Another nice girl, Hina greeted her to Purg.
Soma-- HinaIchigo likes Soma a lot, and also idolizes her.  ...Probably a very bad role-model for HinaIchigo, but Hina sees her as one anyways.
Mizore-- A nice girl who Hina thinks she met in a dream.  HinaIchigo thinks that's really really amazing,  and therefore,  likes Mizore a lot too, even though they haven't really talked very often. 
Sister-- HinaIchigo thinks she's a meanie,  thanks to the Lena-Demon-Incident.
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