Hi guys!
I wonder what is wrong with me lately...
The past weeks I had such a fucked up roller coaster of emotions. Yeah that does sound rather lame I have to admit. I was afraid of posting anything because I was, and still am, constantly changing my mind.
I didn't want to
I just can't become who I want to be
I feel depressed and delighted at the same time
Instead of losing weight I've become fatter
My best friend has changed, and so have I, I constantly feel some kind of wall between us
I feel comfortable in suspenders.
I've told my dad that I want to change my room, on a whim I took of all the posters and pictures from the wall
I wonder who'll answer...
I'm playing FFVII CC and I love it.
I'm fighting Angeal right now (I LOVE Angeal ;_;)...
I want to be honest with you guys.
Today I smoked three cigarettes, despite the fact that i detest it, and instead of getting thinner I've gained two more kg because I can't stop to eat.
What is wrong with me?
I feel that there are tears yet to come
I'm going to go on an FOB concert
Help? :(