Title: Just A Note
Fandom: Chaotic Butterfly
Pairing: Akai Ito (Kurota/Seiji)
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: implied bj
Author's Notes:
Kurota wrote slowly, fountain pen brushing liquid trails of ink over the music sheet. He raised a hand to his chin, finger resting between parted lips.
The melody rose to a soft peak, repeating itself in a chorus as he thought. A soft hiss later, his pen screeched across the paper as he twitched violently, a low, throaty moan in perfect counterpoint to the music.
Kurota pushed back against his chair, away from the desk to glance down at Seiji between his legs, kneeling with a hooded gaze fixed on him. Seiji's lips were bruised and wet, his tongue flicking out to catch the last drops on the corners of his mouth.
"Seiji." He hummed, reaching down to slide soft fingers against even softer skin and tugging Seiji up to kiss him hard.
Tucking Kurota discreetly away, Seiji kissed back, straddling him in the huge leather chair. "Kuro-chan. Do you think Ko-chan is still using those cameras in his office?"
"I don't think he ever had them activated. " Kurota smiled up at Seiji. "If he did, he's probably seen a lot more than what we just did today.
Seiji laughed, a happy sound cutting across the music still playing on loop. "True. The senpais were much more scandalous."
"Anyway, the note's finished. Let's go and get something to drink, okay?" Kurota pulled a few sheets of paper and tucking them into a folder for Koichi to scan through.
"Sure! Let's take our new group out! Goto-kun and whoever else is legal to drink!" Seiji hopped up and waited next to the large desk, rocking on the backs of his heels with excitement.
Kurota hummed in agreement, slinging an arm around Seiji's shoulders as they headed out the door.