PAX Pending, or Return of the Loftwing

May 01, 2012 13:36

While on the road from Bellingham back to Kitsap County, I was chatting with my boyfriend about potential future activities. We got to talking about PAX - Penny Arcade Expo, which is held in Seattle every summer, and something I've yet to go to. He really wants to go, and wants me to go with him. Seeing as it's a convention for all things gaming, I'd like to go as well.

And then, he made the mistake of telling me that people walk around selling their crafts. I now want to get serious about making a big bag of my critters to take along, not only as a way to get my shop out there, but as a way to make some quick cash! It's scary to think if the possibility!

Also, for some reason, in the past few days, there's suddenly been an interest in my Loftwing plush. (The very same one I posted a pattern for way back when on Deviantart.) Initially someone asked if I could do a custom one, but they fell off the face of the earth once I gave them a price. However, the other day someone asked if I was making them still, and if they could buy one. Seems they have a friend who is a huge Zelda fan, but just lost her pet bird the other day. (I'm such a bleeding heart.) I had been thinking of selling off the existing Crimson Loftwing I had, so when I offered it, they couldn't throw money at me fast enough. o_O

And then, as soon as it was out the door and in the mail, I get a request via Etsy from someone else wanting a Crimson Loftwing. I gave them my price this morning, so as of now there's a listing on Etsy for a lone Loftwing I'll have to sew once the order goes through. Still strange to me that after months of silence, people are suddenly wanting to pay me for something I put out there for free!

(But, I guess I shouldn't complain.)

Anyway, this has altered my plottings for PAX some. I'm thinking that now I ought to have a huge stash of D&D-inspired critters, but that I should also have a stash of Loftwing plushies to sell as well, since there's bound to be a lot of Zelda fans running around as well.

What this really means is that I need to get serious about sewing soon, as PAX is at the end of July. Not sure how insane I can be, but I'm thinking that I ought to make at least ten of each existing critter I sell on Etsy (which would mean 90 plush critters)....and I have no idea on how many Loftwings to make. I'm thinking at least 50...which means I'll really need to pace myself, else I'll have sewing burnout!, dang. As I was writing this, I got that Loftwing purchase from Etsy. That was quick! Guess they really wanted it! This means I need to get serious about sewing it now!

dungeons & dragons, creative outlet, sewing, personal

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