Title: A Lifetime of Happiness
Series: Bleach
Characters/Pairing: Kurosaki Ichigo, Kuchiki Rukia; IchiRuki
Rating: G
Genre: fluff, romance
Word Count: ~2800
Summary: Ichigo takes Rukia ice skating for her birthday in one of the largest cities in the world but sometimes the simple act of being together is all that matters.
Note: Written for the Rukia's Birthday Contest at the
IchiRuki FC at Bleach Asylum. The prompt was: "Ichigo & Rukia visit your country! Have Ichigo take Rukia somewhere special in the country for her birthday." I don't usually write such fluffy stuff but it should be a happy story considering it's for Rukia's birthday. So, lots of fluff (for me, at least) and an extra cheesy title to match. Enjoy!
Read @ ff.net Read @ my lj (Cross posted, sorry!)