Longest chapter yet! Took me quite a while to finish. Thank you to all the reviewers who really help me write to my best ability.
Ch. 6 is pretty dramatic. It's the highly anticipated lunch scene and emotions start to rage.
Title: She's Back
Rating : T (swearing)
Pairing: IchixRuki
Summary: Ichigo's a cop, and when he gets a new partner his past mistakes resurface. Can Ichigo win back the girl he fell in love with or will his previous choices and actions haunt him forever. AU
I worked really really hard. So PLEASE review! Anything will help me to write.
Ch. 6 of She's Back :
"I might have hurt her a long time ago, but I meant well. You on the other hand just like to play with woman, and I'll be damned if I let you toy with her!" Ichigo spat out.