Okay, Coolest Bleach IchiRuki cross over dream ever.

Aug 02, 2007 00:10

This would so happen if the Ouran Host club twins met Ruki.

Okay so. Last night, I had THEE coolest dream ever. It involved Bleach...and Ouran Host Club. Oh, and hack sign, but that only happened for a split second. XD

So. Rukia was taken to the mall - and for some reason, she turned into a cat. And Ichigo left her there. And the mall was like this super amazing shopping / hotel suite mart thing. There was a swimming pool and crap. So, she's running around, scared half to death -hugs Rukia ;A;- when she bumps into...THE TWINS OF OURAN. Hikaru and Kaoru. They were getting ready to go swimming when they spot Ruki kitty and are like aww, kitty :D

But Rukia's really skittish at this point so she's like OMFG NO and runs away. At some point in my dream, she reverts back to normal after Ichigo goes back in a desperate search to find the gal. He realized half way home that OOPS! I left an absolutely clueless shinigami in a huge mall with limitless unexplained objects and strangers.

So he goes back.

And Rukia goes back to normal.

Now, at this point, the Twins are in love. XD They're like O_O OMFG. OMFG...SHE'S.. SO.. CUTE!!!! So they persue her. And Rukia's just kinda like wtf o___<; as they nuzzle the life outta her. Or the death. -shrugs-

So Ichi comes back and sees this happening and is kinda like >` <;;; And Hikaru and Kaoru blow him off. xD Of course.

But then Ruki spots Ichi and goes crazy. She's like 'WHAT'S YOUR PROBLEM!? YOU LEFT ME IN THIS MALL ALL ALONE AND I...I-" And then you figured out that she had really been scared because she started crying. Ruki - crying.  The twins go crazy on Ichigo's ass and Ichigo feels like absolute horse shit, excuse me. XD

But then it turns out that Ichigo had actually gotten something special for Rukia at the mall and forgot something so he needed to go get it and crap. And so he gave whatever it was to her and it was something super significant and she was like...-stares-....thank you... -hugs it-

And Ichigo scratched his neck all embarrassed....But then the twins tackled Rukia again. XD Omfg, it was such a cool dream.

BYAKUYA WAS IN A BUNNY SUIT AND ASKED ICHI HOW TO ACQUIRE 'ALICE IN WONDERLAND' O____O;; He was reading it in the mall and wanted to buy it! NO JOKE!

But there was more to it. D: I got to help my best friend co direct a drama thing where the people couldn't sing to save their lives. XD And then there was an evil wind storm that was actually just evil black clouds that were picking up cars and chucking them off cliffs D: And my pillow got soggy and I was very sad.

And a woman said 'Woowie! We haven't had wind that can pick up cars in decades! :D' and I wanted to kick her.

But anyway, the majority of my dream was just super cool and amazing. :D Ouran NEEDS to meet Bleach. XD In my dream, that was an episode; where Ouran met Bleach, and I woke up thinking to myself 'omfg, I have to see that episode.'

But alas, it does not exist....yet. :3

[discussion], genre: crack

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