The Story Of The Handsome Commoner Ichigo And Maiden-Turned-Leek Orihime

Feb 06, 2012 21:08

Title: The Story Of The Handsome Commoner Ichigo And Maiden-Turned-Leek Orihime
Author: Ragna (afteriwake)
Pairing: Ichigo/Orihime
Rating: PG
Spoilers (if applicable): Set not quite as far into the time skip as the current arc, about six months earlier.
Warnings (if applicable): None
Summary: This time she wanted to be the beast in Beauty and the Beast…
Authors Notes: My 101st post at hyouhakuzai_fic! I missed writing this pairing, and I’d wanted to make “ The Story Of The Beautiful Princess Orihime And The Dashing Pirate Ichigo” into a series for a little while now. Story idea is based off a comment laerkstrein made about using the story of Beauty and the Beast.

author:afteriwake, fanfiction

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