This week is going to be very unpleasant...

Feb 23, 2008 20:01

 So, last week was great. I went on a cruise two months early this year because I'm going on a "senior trip" in April. Disneyworld, yay!  There's also Universal Studios, but I don't really wanna go on any roller coasters. My friend says he's gonna drag me on them, though, even though I warned him that will only get his ear drums popped and his appetite ruined by watching me throw up but he won't listen. I don't know if any of you guys have ever been to Coney Island, but after riding the Cyclone when I was 7 (I just barely passed the height requirement ;D) I lost all desire to ever ride a roller coaster ever again...

Anyway, back to the cruise. Possibly my favorite part was the "Karaoke Power Hour" they had almost every night. The first night, I sang Think of Me and they loved it. This year I really wanted to do the "Princess (the name of the cruise line) Pop Star" competition because it was 18+ and I couldn't do it last year. Unfortunately, my birthday is in March, so they almost didn't let me do it this year, either! In the end, though, they did. The way it works is that you sing in front of the passengers who come to listen, and when everyone is finished, the passengers vote for their favorite singers. They take two winners per night, so in the end they have six, and then those six sing in a "finale" on the last day (yesterday) and everyone who came to watch votes again, and the winner is decided. The guy who one sang this really nice song. When I listened to the original I found I actually preferred his version to the original. My favorite part of the whole experience is a tie between so many people telling me that I did "a great job" and the "green room interviews" they had all of us do, which consisted of us going behind the stage and having a funny little 40-second "interview with one of the crew members who I had a thing for ever since I saw him on the say of embarkation ;DDD. I also did karaoke at the teenager hang-out when they had it one evening. They barely had any songs that I could do, but they did have "You Raise Me Up", so I just sang that. Omg! I knew it switch keys in the middle, but I did NOT know it went up from Eb to Gb! Wow! I fumbled a bit 'cause I haven't practiced that song much, but they went ridiculously crazy! It was great XD.

But now I'm back, and really worried! Auditions for the talent show and musical are BOTH on Tuesday! Eek! I still have to pick a monologue for the musical, too! As for the talent show, I'm gonna audition with the Doll Song, and I have to do it acapella. I guess I'll only sing half of it, but I'm worried they won't like the fact that it's opera. Oy.

I need sleep. And I still have hw to finish up for Monday. @_@

key changes, you raise me up, musical, audition, competitions, talent show, cruise, karaoke, opera, doll song

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