Doll Song!

Nov 02, 2007 18:26

So I did the recording about a week and a half ago, and it's finally done!

I gotta say that the whole experience really left me disappointed with myself at first. When I got there, we decided to record my teacher accompaning me and me singing at the same time, which we re-did a bunch of times because either she messed up or I did. Needless to say, by the time we went in to pick and choose which piano parts to take to get the final track, I was all sung out. But after we put the piano together, we couldn't just take any singing, because it was all at different speeds! So I had to go in there and sing again, this time to recorded piano! I was so tired be then, it did not come out well... I really wasn't ready to record the song yet, but it was my teacher's idea, and it was the hardest (and therefore most impressive) piece I've learned so far. I think the end result is passable, but it's really not my best. So don't be too brutal! But I wanna know what you guys think ;D!

Go listen!

doll song, recording

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