I need to stop slacking off from updating...

Oct 12, 2007 16:57

I'm too lazy to write my usual mile-long recap of what's been happening lately, so I'll try to keep it short...

First of all, my school messed up and didn't give me chorus. Well, technically, they couldn't, because I had multi-variable calculus that period, and there's only one class of us. Ugh! What kind of moron schedules one-period classes at the same time? Geez! So I decided I'd do a chorus outside of school. I asked my (well, technically not mine <<;; ) chorus teacher if there was anything I could do, and he brought up All-City, which I'm auditioning for tomorrow! I sincerely hope they don't ask me to sight-read, because I so can't x_X!!

I found out the talent show is the 13th of February this year. I can't wait! Hopefully, I will have the Doll Song ready by then, and that's what I'll do :D! Although, I am a little worried about choking on the Eb6 at the end... I'd say"no one will notice," but I think the will if I scream it... But I wanna do it anyway, because I think, if it's choreographed right, it'll kill ♥!
So we did our first dissection in Anatomy this week, and I am seriously starting to doubt by abilities as a future doctor. I keep hearing rumors about dissecting cadavers in medical school o_O;; If that's true, I don't know if I'll be able to get through it... Why would they make everyone do that? I don't even wanna be a surgeon! In fact, I chose radiology because it pays really well and you don't have to look at flesh wounds or any of that stuff. (In fact, all you have to do is diagnose X-rays, which sounds pretty safe for me.)

In other news, I've decided to apply to Oberlin's double-major thing, but that means that I have to audition for the Conservatory separately! Oh man, I don't think I can do it. You need to be so dedicated to becoming a musician and have been practicing for years...and I've only been taking lessons for a little over a year! I guess I'll do it just for the hell of it, but I'm worried about them looking at me like I'm an idiot. XD;;

The Early Action deadline is coming closer...I really don't wanna write my essays..I can't wait until this college crap is over! And I also need to make a recording to send in as a supplement to my application. I'm actually looking forward to that... Finally, a recording that I can be proud of! I'm so gonna make copies of it and hand them out to anyone who'll take them XDDD!!

Emmy's CD is out soon! I'm really looking forward to it. Speaking of Emmy, I was doing some research a few days ago and came across this 13-yr-old "opera singer" Aria Tesolin. I'm not oneto defame people, but what is up with these little girls coming out with CDs full of phenomenaly difficult arias to sing properly? I can understand when the arias are sung for practice when the singer is ready (this 11-yr-old Ekaterina Shelehova is quite good!), but this Aria girl is so not ready for the stuff she sings! Not to mention the fact that her voice is so wrong for Puccini, Verdi...and the majority of the other stuff on the CD. She has a nice voice, though...I think she'd be good in folk-ish stuff...like the stuff Celtic Woman does.

ekaterina shelehova, conservatories, chous, pre-teen opera singers, college, all-city, aria tesolin, medical school

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